ice skating

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im in my stobotnik brainrot arc help me. ive seen the new sonic movie 3 times and it just keeps getting gayer,,,

anyway, the boys are ice skating today :)

"You good, Jameson?" Adam asks, from the bottom of the stands.

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah. Just gotta find my balance," James calls from the very top of the stairs.

Changing into ice skates at the top of a flight of stairs was probably a bad idea when you're with a beginner skater. But the skates are already on.

"I can come and help you down if you want," Adam offers, stepping up a few steps, being a confident skater.

"No, no! I'm good," James shakes his head.

He steps down the first step, or attempts to, but quickly loses his balance. Adam surges forward to the rescue, holding a hand out for James. He takes it quickly and finds himself throwing his other hand to Adam's shoulder.

"This is terrifying," James whispers.

Adam laughs and extends his other hand to James.

They head down the stairs slowly, one step at a time, until they reach the bottom. Adam smiles and guides James to the rink. As soon as James sets his skates onto the rink he feels his feet slipping under him.

"Oh, crap," he flinches and tightens his grip on Adam's hands.

"You're good, man," Adam says. "You can cling to the wall to start."

James laughs and lets go of one of Adam's hands to hold onto the wall. They start slowly, James cautiously shuffling his feet across the ice while Adam slowly shifts his weight from one foot to the other, gliding carelessly across the glass.

After a few laps, James is doing less shuffling and more stepping.

"Wanna try pushing away from the wall a bit?" Adam suggests.

James does not want to part with his beloved wall but he also doesn't wanna seem like a baby.

"Uh... sure."

Adam pulls James a step away from the wall so that he can still reach it if needed. James watches his feet nervously, trying to figure out how the skates even work.

"You're gonna wanna look up, Jameson. Keeps you more balanced."

James grunts and lifts his eyes up. Adam glances over his face, smiling when he sees the red on his cheeks and the tip of his nose.

"Your face is all red from the cold," Adam points out.

"What?? And yours isn't?? Unfair!" James whines.

"It's because I'm not nearly as pale as you, Mr. Marshmallow."

James laughs and immediately loses his balance and confidence causing him to stumble and lean forward.

"Woah!" James scrambles to stay on his feet, sticking his arm out.

He breathes a sigh of relief when he doesn't feel himself fall.

Adam giggles and helps James stand back up straight. "You okay?"

"Yeah," James laughs and tries again.

As they're going around the rink, Adam watches James' feet and how he's skating. James has started to gain his balance but he's picking his feet up too high and being too quick to drop them back to the floor.

"Hey, Godzilla? You don't have to be that aggressive when skating," Adam comments with a smug grin.

James scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Okay, rude."

"It should be more of a glide. Like you're a pretty fairy princess."

Adam slowly lets go of James' hand, watching his expression in case he needs the support. Noticing James hasn't faltered, he skates forward a bit.

"Watch! Like this," he calls out.

Pushing off with his right foot, he breaks into a slow and even pace, gliding elegantly across the ice. James watches in awe as he weaves between small children and couples with ease and precision.

"Holy crap," James mumbles in pure awe.

"See?" Adam smiles as he finishes the circuit and joins James, skidding to a stop. "Like that."

"That was amazing," James exhales slowly, a small cloud of fog following his warm breath.

"Thanks," Adam's face flushes and he scratches the back of his neck.

James reaches his hand back out and Adam takes it. As they continue skating, James watches Adam's movements. How he lets one foot glide freely for a few seconds before switching to the other.

He looks down at his own feet.

At the moment he's pushing off with one foot and letting himself slide on two. Not nearly as elegant as Adam but it's not falling over so it's something, he supposes.

"Yo, Jameson. Watch this," Adam lets go of James' hand and speeds up.

James watches him cross his legs over and turn around so he's skating backwards. A gasp leaves James' mouth and his jaw drops. And as if it couldn't get any more impressive, Adam sticks a leg out, and spins in a circle a few times, slowly bringing his leg back in as he spins.

"Adam!!" James gasps a wide grin spreading across his face. "You're amazing!!"

As Adam skates back, James starts clapping, which makes his bashful smile grow to his ears.

"Where did you learn that?" James asks, eyes practically glowing with adoration.

"Youtube, mostly," Adam laughs. "And just kinda watching other people skate."

"That's so freaking cool," James gasps. "You're so much better at this than me."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I've had my fair share of stumbling and falling and face plants," Adam laughs. "I collided with a small child once. It was traumatising."

"Jeez! Yeah, that'd be scary," James chuckles and takes Adam's hand to keep skating. "I need your hand, sir. I'm freezing and forgot my gloves.

Adam scoffs. "You moron. But sure, you can have my hand."

"Thank you."

"What do you think about hot chocolate after this?" Adam asks.

"I think you just read my mind."

my friends and i went ice skating and we all held hands as we skated around it was very fun and the whole time all i could think about was writing a lil fic about james and adam skating :')

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