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"Listen, I'm just saying that if I were that dude I would've been more careful with my shrink ray! You've gotta be pretty reckless to shrink children," Adam rants as he and his best friend, James walk through the supermarket.

"Well, you do realise that-" James starts but gets interrupted by a guy, seeming to be around their age, stopping right in front of them.

"Are you SomeThingElseYT?" The guy asks.

Adam laughs lightly and nods, "Yeah. That's me."

"Sweet! You're so awesome, man."

"Ah, thanks. Do you want, like, a photo or something?" Adam asks awkwardly.

"You know," the guy says, ignoring Adam. "I used to watch TheOdd1sOut all the time, but I started watching you more cause I feel like he stopped feeling real. You know?"

Adam furrows his eyebrows and glances at James.

"Like, he just went downhill. And he hardly animates anything in his own videos! How lazy," he scoffs.

"Hey, dude, that's not-"

"And like, he barely interacts with fans either. Like what the fuck? What an asshole."

Adam feels his blood boil and his hands tighten into fists.

"Okay, dude, listen. That is so not cool. I happen to know for a fact that James is the most hardworking, talented, kind, and genuine person out there. And to be honest? I feel bad for you. I feel bad that you'll never get to know James how I know him. An incredible fucking person. So you can fuck the fuck off and leave us alone."

The dude stares at Adam with an unfazed expression then shrugs.

"Alright, dude. Chill."

"Come on, James," Adam huffs and turns around, marching towards the cereal aisle.

James hurries to catch up and watches as Adam looks over the cereal options.

"Stupid motherfucker," Adam grumbles to himself as he grabs a box of lucky charms.

"You didn't have to say all that, you know?" James shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down at his shoes. "We could've just walked away."

"Yeah, but," Adam stares at the box in his hands as he thinks. "You're my best friend. And I wasn't gonna stand there and let him get away with saying all that awful, untrue, shit."

As Adam talks his eyebrows furrow, the frustration he felt previously resurfacing.

"Well," James smiles and looks up at Adam. "Thanks."

"No problem," Adam smiles back.

"I'm just glad you didn't punch him. Don't think I didn't see your hands trembling."

Adam laughs and puts the box of lucky charms in his basket.

"Listen," Adam's cheeks turn red as he scratches the back of his neck. "We don't- we don't gotta talk about that."

James laughs and shakes his head, "Seriously though. Thank you."

"No problem." 

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