La La Land - I ran scene

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This is based on two scenes from the movie La La Land. The second half of the fic is the scene I focussed out but I needed to include the first bit for context. I recommend watching the video linked above before or after reading. Your choice. I like reading it while listening to the video but that's only cause I know the timing and such. Anyway, enjoy.

"Yo, guys! Wanna grab a drink here? I heard this place makes some amazing margaritas!" Everyone nods and follows Maaz through the door. I follow at the back of the pack. The night has been pretty average. I'm honestly done with the whole people thing at this point. 

"Hello, how many people are we seating tonight?" A waitress starts getting us settled. Someone finishes playing jingle bells on the piano, leaving the restaurant without music. Once she has a table for us, we start walking. 

As we're walking the man at a piano in the centre of the restaurant starts playing a different melody. I can't help but stop and stare. The rest of the group continues without me but my feet remain planted in place. 

His fingers glide across the keys, playing them carefully and delicately at first, then building up. The song quickly speeds up as he races along the keyboard. I feel my jaw drop watching him. 

He stands up, playing the melody with such passion right up until the very last note. The sound rings out through the restaurant, before slowly blending back into the chatter of the guests. 

With his fingers resting on the keys, he stares at his hands. Once he comes out of his daze he moves his overgrown hair out of his face and looks up. Someone motions for him to come to them from the side of the room. The guy sighs and walks over. 

I watch as an old man, that I presume is the manager based on his name tag, tells the pianist off. Their conversation goes on a few more moments until the manager huffs angrily and turns around, leaving into the kitchen. 

The guy who was playing the piano sighs and turns back to a bowl that was on top of the piano. He fishes a couple of dollar bills out of it, pockets it, and starts heading towards the door behind me to leave. 

I take the opportunity to tell him how amazing his playing is, "Hey. I just heard you play and I-" The guy ignores me and shoves past my shoulder. I turn around and watch him leave the restaurant, astonished. 


Pool parties aren't my thing. I suppose that's why I'm here in a t-shirt and shorts, rather than swim shorts. I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for Maaz insisting that the group enjoys a bit of socialising this weekend. He's always dragging us off to some event. 

He calls out my name and introduces me to his friend, Carlo, who immediately starts talking about something he's writing. Worldbuilding or some crap. I couldn't be bothered to engage in this conversation. "I'm gonna go grab a drink," I jump in and walk away before anyone can follow me.

There's a little table with an assortment of alcoholic beverages sitting on it and a mixer behind the table, already occupied making someone else's drink. 

My fingers tap on the table as I wait patiently for him to be done. 

As I'm waiting I turn to the band who's playing 'Take on Me' on the other side of the pool. Forgetting about my drink, I make my way past groups of people and over to the small stage.

I get there and look up at the faces of the band members and immediately notice something.

The piano guy.

I stare shocked, as he plays the chords to the song. It really is him!

The entire band is dressed in retro clothes, the piano guy playing with the least enthusiasm I've seen a person have. 

They finish playing the song and the lead singer walks up to the microphone. "Thank you. Any other requests?" Nobody responds so I raise my hand. "Guy in the front." "I ran." "I ran. A fantastic suggestion." I catch the piano guy glance at me, back to the piano, and back at me with disbelief. 

Now I have a plan.

"Come on piano man, tickle those ivories," The lead singer muses before counting the band down. 

I smile innocently at him, watching him look between me and the rest of the band. The band starts playing but the guy doesn't. A disapproving frown is shot at me as I continue to smile. I giggle and pretend to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. 

He plays the melody, still staring at me with annoyance in his eyes. I keep myself from chuckling and start dancing, watching him suffer internally. He fakes enthusiasm every time the lead singer looks in his direction. 

"I walked along the avenue," the lead singer starts, "I never thought I'd meet a girl like you." The piano guy and I make contact again, so I point at myself, mouthing, "Me? Stop it." 

He continues to fake his interest in the performance, nodding his head to the rhythm while the lead singer is looking at him. The second the singer isn't staring at him he stops moving at stares at me again, make me chuckle. 

"And I ran, I ran so far away," I mouth along to the lyrics and doing an over the top dance, never once looking away from the piano guy. "I couldn't get away," on the last line of the chorus I pretend to flick my hair, smile at him again and walk away to grab the drink I'd abandoned earlier. The final look I got from him making me wanna cry laughing. 


I'm standing against a pillar, drinking a beer when I notice the piano guy walking my way with his dumb 80s sunglasses on and a disapproving frown on his face. He stops in front of me and takes the glasses off, giving me a hard look for a few seconds while I give him a smug smile. 

"Alright. I remember you," he starts, "And I'll admit, I was a little... curt that night." "Curt?" I repeat. "Okay, I was an asshole. I can admit that." I nod in agreement with his statement. "But requesting 'I Ran' from a serious musician is just- it's too far." "My Lord, did you just say a serious musician?" He shakes his head, "I don't think so." 

"Can I borrow what you're wearing?" I ask. "Why?" "Cause I'm making a video next week. I'm playing a serious firefighter," I smirk at him. "So you're an actor. I thought you looked familiar. Have I seen you in anything?" "Um... TheOdd1sOut? On That's a classic," I reply sarcastically. "Oh, I see. You make videos online. So I see how you could then look down on me from all the way up there," he shoots back. 

"Time to go. Next set," the lead singer from early interrupts our conversation, patting the piano guy's chest as he walks past. The guy looks at me and shakes his head. "He doesn't- I don't- He doesn't tell me what to do," he stutters. "He just... told you what to do," I point out. "I know- I... I let him." He shakes his head and takes a step before looking back to me, "What's your name?" "James." "James," The guy repeats, slides on his stupid glasses and looks at me for a second before saying, "Guess I'll see you in the movies," and turning to walk away, back to the stage. 

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