😬 My first proper Jadam fanfiction 😬

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This is the very first Jadam fanfic I ever wrote. Not gonna lie... I'm just posting this to give me time. I need to upload a part for my other Jadam story soon and I needed to post something here too so... Yee. There are more parts but that's for my next safety blanket. Anyway quick warning: It's cringe and unedited. Aight continue on.

(Third person)
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ri-*
"Oh hey, Jameson" A voice on one side of the line answers.
"Hey, Adam! How's it goin?"
"Good do you need anything?"
"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie?" James crosses his fingers hoping not to be turned down.
"Sure sounds fun I'm on my way" Adam smiles through the phone (does that even make sense?)

                   ◇* sometime later*◇

*knock knock*
James rushed toward the door to greet his friend.
He swings the door open and Adam's standing right there.
He's wearing a plain white shirt, tucked into some black jeans and a pink cap with a rose embroidered (is that a word??) into the top to finish the look.
James has a light pink blush dusted across his face before he snaps out of his trance and welcomes Adam inside.
"So what would you like to watch?" James asks as he opens Netflix on his TV.
"Oh, I found this cool movie the other day. Here" Adam puts out his arm gesturing to the remote. James hands it to him and he finds a movie clicking play.
About 10 minutes in James interrupts the actor "Wait is this a romance movie?"
"Pfft, what makes you think that?" Adam chuckles as two characters stare at a sunset, with some cringy lovey-dovey song playing in the background.
James smiles and turns back to the movie. As James watches the couple prance around in their oh so perfect world he can't help but wonder if that were him and Adam. He shakes his head and covers his face with a pillow in hope that Adam didn't notice his face turn bright pink.

   ♡◇♡◇♡◇5 movies later♡◇♡◇♡◇

"So James what should we watch ne-" Adam glances down at James who peacefully fell onto the armrest of the couch. Adam can't help but smile at his sleeping friend. After a little while, Adam realises its 10 pm. He's too tired to walk home. "James won't mind if I sleep on his couch right?" Adam mutters as he picks James up carefully and takes him to his bedroom. Adam lays James down and pulls the sheets onto him. He walks back into the living room and lays down on the couch not knowing where to find blankets. Although somehow he's still able to fall asleep quickly, with thoughts of James floating through his mind.

   □■□■□■□wOw iTs mOrnInG!■□■□■□

James yawns as he stumbles out of his room. He walks past his living room glancing at the sleeping Adam and continues to the kitchen to make breakfast. He reaches the kitchen and stops realizing what he just saw in the living room. He pivots quickly and rushes to the doorway to the living room and stares at Adam in disbelief (NANI?! xD). James starts to remember watching movies yesterday and puts the pieces together assuming they were watching movies too late for Adam to go home safely. James watches Adam sleeping peacefully before he realizes he's being a tad bit creepy. He heads back to the kitchen pulling out ingredients for waffles. He got a brand new waffle machine on the weekend so why not use it while Adam's here? While James is making the batter Adam walks into the kitchen cheerily. "Morning James!" Adam says like he's just won the lottery. "Well, your happy this morning! Did you sleep well?" James smiles as he continues to mix the batter. "Yep! I had this great dream..." Adam trails off. "What was it about?" James asks curious enough to stop cooking to look at Adam. "O-Oh uh... well... you were in it.." Adam stutters turning pink. James smiles as Adam continues "and we went out on a da- uh a... d-dog theme rollercoaster?..." Adam laughs nervously. James being really oblivious to everything nods and continues cooking thinking nothing of it. Adam sighs relieved that his awful lie slid right past James (does that make sense in the way I want it to??).
"Ok now to simply wait for the waffles to cook!" James announces proudly. Its silent for a few minutes before Adam spits out suddenly "I love you" James swings his whole body to face Adam and gives him a confused look as Adam's face turns red. Why did he do that? "L-like as a friend... I l-love hanging out with you..." Adam stutters.

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