Baku top and Kiri bottom cuz I'm listening to Baku playlist uwu

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I've missed Baku top so much smh and for what

Eijirou was laying on his bed in his dorm, sighing and staring at the ceiling as the fan blades spun around. He couldn't concentrate all day due to his pHAT crush on the hothead of the class. Oh yes, you know where this is going. Katsuki Bakugou being hot asf smh.

The redhead gently ran a soft hang through his slightly damp hair. He had taken a shower about an hour ago and had been laying here for a while lol mood tho. He had his legs dangling off the side of his bed at his knees, just chillin. He was wearing a baggy shirt that didn't show off his light abs or muscles. He looked so feminine and he loved it. He then was forced out of his thoughts when he heard a small 'tch' from a few feet away.

He gasped and shot up with wide rosey eyes and pastel pink coloured cheeks. There sat Katsuki, duh, on the chair for Eijirou's desk, he was laid back in it, his eyes concentrated on his own knees covered by sweatpants. Eijirou quickly sat up straight and pulled the baggy shirt over his knees like a child would, which Kat found adorably but of course he just rolled his eyes and clicked his teeth again.

"W-What are you d-doing in here?! W-When did you...?" Eijirou asked, the blush on his face growing darker into a crimson red as he realized Kat was wearing a muscle shirt that showed his abs and muscles. Eijirou quickly rested his tan arms on his covered knees and rested his cheek on them, looking to the window of his dorm as he waited for Kat to answer.

But no words ever came. All Eijirou heard was the movement of the bed beside him, the small noise of Kat sighing out of his nose heightening his senses. Eijirou blushed darker and slowly looked to the blond beside him. "B-Baku...?" He pushed further for an answer, this just confused the poor boy even more.

Kat moved his fixated vermillion eyes from the wall to the redhead, a small smirk appearing on his pink lips. "I've been in here for 30 minutes, and I wanted to do this~" His smirk only grew slightly as he quickly pinned the redhead to the perfectly made bed, the blanket wrinkling under their weight.

Eijirou was flustered, confused, and slightly hard under the weight of the blonde. It wasn't enough to hurt, but enough for him to feel Kat's strong heartbeat. "U-Uhm-" Eijirou tried to speak, but from feeling Kat get harder against his own small bulge made him stumble on his words.

"I know you like me, dumbass~" He whispered in his ear and growled lowly as he let his teeth graze his earlobe, making the smaller boy shiver slightly and moan lightly, so lightly, but Kat heard it. And he only wanted to hear more.

"May I?~" He growled lowly with his warm hand on Eijirou's hip, getting dangerously close to his small yet very hard bulge. Eiji gulped and nodded quickly as he moved his hips around slightly in anticipation, he gave consent hoes.

Kat smiled and leaned down, kissing him softly but the slow kiss became heated just as quickly as it begun and Kat began to slowly grind against Eijirou, their clothed lengths getting immense pleasure, Kat was huge and Eiji was like 4 inches LMAO. Sorry, continuing.

The small boy gasped and moaned loudly, his hands on Kat's shoulders as Kat bent down and sucked on Eijirou's neck, quickly finding his sweet spot, making the boy gasp loudly and put a hand over his mouth as he arched his back, his face as red as a tomato.

Kat smiled softly, which was shocking to say the least, and he gently grabbed Eijirou's hand from his mouth and intertwined their fingers, holding them to the side as he sucked and bit gently on Eijirou's sweet spot.

Soft moans filled Kat's ears and made him continue to slowly grind, putting two fingertips in the waistband of Eijirou's boxers so the smaller boy whined quietly.

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