here kitty kitty pspsps

843 14 38

Yo man
Kat as a cat? Hell yeah
Please point out mistakes
hi wElComE to cHiLiS
No one's POV
Katsuki was on his way home when he accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder. Since he had been with Eijirou for about 10 years, he wasn't the same angry person as often. He gets angry, but he doesn't threaten to blow people up anymore. However, when he bumped into said person, he was turned into a Neko. The person's quirk accidentally activated and they told Katsuki that it would wear off in a few days. So when he walked through the door after work, Eijirou got a pleasant surprise.

"Hey babe how was- OH MY GOD YESSSSS." Kirishima ran over to his husband and squeezed him. Katsuki loved the attention, but was also very confused. "Uhhh sweetie? Are you okay?" Katsuki asked his excited lover.

"Sorry baby. I just really freaking love cats. I've always imagined you as a Neko, but you're so much cuter than I thought you would be." Eijirou replied, squeezing Katsukis' cheeks. Katsuki flushed slightly at how cute Eijirou was acting. He had known Eijirou liked cats. Hell, when Eijirou asked Kat if they could get a cat, he ignored Kat for a week straight and even cried when he said no.

Eijirou kept rambling, which Katsuki thought was adorable. "Oh god, I've had wet dreams about you being a Neko too. It was.... Fun to say the least. Now I finally get two of my favorite things in one now. Oh all might you are so freaking pretty. Why do you have to be so adorable? *Gasp* CAN I PET YOUR TAIL??? Its probably as soft as your hair. Pleasseeeee." Eijirou stopped, giving Katsuki puppy eyes.

Katsuki looked away, feeling very embarrassed and shy from all the attention he was suddenly given. "U-uh sure." Kat whispered, earning a small "yay" from his husband. Eijirou gently touched Katsukis' tail before he hear a small moan, followed by purring. Eijirou gave a grin to his flustered husband. "Did you just...moan?" He asked before caressing the sensitive tail again, earning another soft moan in response. "N-no..." Katsuki mumbled, looking off into the wall.

Katsukis' face was glowing red at this point. Eijirou giggled "yea okay kitty" before moving on to the ears, gaining a loud purr. Eijirou always called Katsuki kitty when he gave him attention, it was cute as heCc. "Awwwh kitty you're so cute" he spoke cutely. "Yea yea whatever" Katsuki replied embarrassed.

"Come on kitty, don't be a sour puss." Eijirou pouted at his husband. "Tch come on" Katsuki started pulling Eijirou over to the couch to watch T.V. Katsuki changed before he came home so he's already in his night clothes. He gently pushed Eijirou, who was admiring his adorable husband, down onto the couch and then curled up next to him. Normally it was Eijirou who initiated cuddling, but he loved how cute and flustered Katsuki got when he was the one to cuddle first.

"Aww kitty... You just wanted to cuddle didn't you. That's so freaking adorable." Eijirou awed at his adOraBlE as fReaK huSbAnD. Katsuki just buried his head into Eijirou's side, obviously embarrassed. "Awww kitty. AhHhhh why the heck are yoU so frEAKING CUTE gRr." Eijirou is fangirling so hard at his husband. Katsuki is so flustered he feels light headed.

"Come here kitty." Eijirou patted his lap. Katsuki shook his head, only earning begging to come from his lover. "Pretty please Kat." This went on for a few minutes until Katsuki gave in to his husband. Eijirou laughed lightly when Katsuki laid across his lap, still blushing profusely.

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