when Baku is actually the sad one this time

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☝️😗 yea man
Yea man
Deal with it
Am awkward
Oh well
I know this is bouta suck but if ur still here, you must like it.
Please point out any mistakes
Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortilla.
tHe hArD bOi
Katsu has been acting kinda....what's the word.... Off? Recently, whenever we're alone together, he isn't himself. If you understand what I'm getting at. At school, he's all 'angry' and stuff, but when it's just us? He's all cuddly and lovey and amazing, but recently it's almost as if he's hiding something. I'm still not entirely sure but whatever it is I'm going to figure it out. Whether he likes it or not, I'm worried about him. I mean, what happened to my Katsu to make him seem so sad.

He just.... I don't even know how to explain it. There's just this sad look in his eyes everytime I look into them. It's like there's something hurting him from the inside out. Like he's in pain, not physical pain, but emotional pain. If that makes any sense. It probably doesn't, but I know something is wrong. It's my boyfriend senses, I know it. Speaking of Katsu, here he comes. Its Saturday so we'll have the whole day together. He always gets upset and gives me extra affection when I can't spend the whole day with him. It's cute really.

"Hey kitty. What's up?" He blushes, barely noticeable. It's been awhile since I've seen him blush, and I use that nickname all the time. (Have you ever wondered, what is going on inside their head? 😂) "O-oh uhm, nothing. I'm fine. How are you doing?" I squint my eyes at him suspiciously. Okay now this is serious. He's normally very flirty. What is making him act so shy around me. He's acting strange. Hmmmm.

"Are you sure you're okay Kat?" I hear a slight trace of worry in my voice as it hushes itself to a whisper. "Yup" he squeaks out, avoiding eye contact. Mhm. Duly noted. I doubt he's okay, but I can't let him know that. Yet. He lets out an awkward cough before walking back to his dorm. I would follow, but I'm sure he would drag me behind him if he wanted me to come. I sigh before going back down to the kitchen for breakfast.
KatsuKitty POV
Oh heck. He's catching on. I kinda want him to though. I want someone to save me from myself.
Chad: no you don't you worthless piece of shit. Go kill yourself.

Haha I mean maybe I should. He doesn't love me. He did seem kinda concerned tho so maybe he does love me.

Chad: no he doesn't you idiot. Stop being so stupid and open your damn eyes. Go die. Or at the very least go cut yourself again. Fag.

( I am sorry for the homophobic slur my friends. Gotta do what you gotta do for some good angst tho)

That word sends me over the edge. He's been calling me that since I first cut myself. 6th grade was scary. After 7th grade started I stopped cutting and so he went away. I've always hated that word. It's just so....gross. It makes me hate myself for some reason. I started dating Ei about 4 months ago and I was happy. I still am happy that I'm with him. Something got to me one day though.

One day, after giving Ei a kiss before he heads home, some grape approached me. That stupid little purple ballsack.(M*neta🤢) I know I shouldn't have listened to him, but I did. He called me that word. He told me I was disgusting for liking guys. He told me that Ei was gonna leave me after he realized he liked girls instead. I normally would've hurt him, but something told me he was right. Not about the part of me liking guys, but about how gross I am and how Eiji is gonna leave me for a girl.

I'm sure there are many girls that have crushes on the boy. He could have anyone, but he chose me. Probably out of pity though. After the encounter I had with the eggplant, I went back to my dorm and cried. I cried a lot that night. I barely had any sleep due to the urge I had. Oh yes, the urge we all know and hate. The urge to cut. And so I did while my face was hot with tears.

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