Bitch I made it out the grave

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Uh anyway


Being a second year in this weird high school is tough. You're not quite still a child, especially after so many villain encounters for this one specific class, but you definitely aren't an adult, no matter the responsibilities you may have.

I don't know where I was going with that, I literally just wrote it and do not remember.

Nearly the entire class was 17 now, juggling schoolwork and hero work, and some of them were handling it very well. Others....

Weren't handling it. At all.

Now, if you tell Katsuki that Eijirou was struggling to balance all his hero and schoolwork, he'd laugh at you and tell you he didn't give a fuck. Probably.

But, once he's alone, either with himself or even with the stressed redhead, he turns into a ball of worry. He's worried for his friend's mental health. Don't tell him you know that though.

So here they were, they had two weeks off of hero duties, and Katsuki and Eijirou were sitting in the blonde's dorm, trying to help Eijirou catch up on homework. And boy was it going.

"What do you mean you forgot how to properly punctuate?" Katsuki asked, flabbergasted. Eijirou whined and sighed. "I don't remember how a semi-colon works, bro!" He huffed dramatically. "English is such a difficult language, shit is crazy." He crossed his arms before he perked up and grabbed all of his skewed papers. They'd already gotten through half of it, and he still had two weeks to catch up, so he wanted a break.

He stuffed them into a folder that Bakugou had insisted he use, and he tossed his bag onto the floor. "C'mon, man, it's been a while since you and I have hung out! Let's play some games or something!" He smiled, standing and turning on his Xbox, grabbing two controllers and putting one in Bakugou's hand.

"What game you wanna play, Bakugou?" He asked, he looked like the stress had melted off, just by being near Bakugou, even if he was doing homework. Bakugou 'tch'ed and shrugged, looking at his menu of games.

"What about Injustice?" Eijirou asked and pressed the game, showing Bakugou the description and such. "A fighting game? Hell yeah! We placing bets?!" He asked with a loud, aggressive laugh. You know the one.

Kirishima shrugged and started up the game, sitting down beside Bakugou and crossing his legs comfortably, their knees touched when Bakugou did the same, but neither of them pulled away or commented about their knees touching together.

"Like what? I ain't got no money." Eijirou smiled, tilting his head and looking at Bakugou. "I wouldn't wanna bet money anyway, that's boring. Maybe a couple practice rounds first."


It's been 20 minutes. Twenty full minutes of the two boys fighting with different characters, there was even a discussion about which character was hottest. That was mostly a one-sided conversation with Eijirou and himself, about how the men were way hotter than the women, 'in his opinion'.

That's when Katsuki found out Eijirou was gay. Sure, he came out during their first year, but Bakugou thought he was joking, or even that it was a prank. This, though? This made him think about all the other gay things Eijirou does.

'Damn...' He thought, sighing and thinking about how he'd already came out to his parents, and how they keep teasing him about this crush he has on this certain red head. He always said there was no chance, that he was for sure straight.

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