What the fuck is oatmeal

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feelin a little underappreciated here bros, comment and talk to me, I know it's been a hot minute and my writing style has changed but I need feedback and ideas

"mY fAvoRitE cOloR iS yOu." Mina 'sang' along to AJR's Sober Up, dancing around in her spot with her arms, Jirou and Momo cuddling on the bed a couple feet away recording her lmao. Denki and Sero were playing Mario kart and Denki was getting butthurt because Hanta kept kissing his neck and distracting him.

All of this was in Hanta's dorm room, he always has people in his dorm. Katsuki stood at the door, he and Eijirou had just arrived to hang out with these freaks lol. Kat crossed his arms and huffed, putting his facade up.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be here." He said to his boyfriend. Everyone would think that Kat was top, since he was so volatile and angry all the time, but Eijirou could calm him down so easy. It was cute, but it also means that Kat was submissive in bed, and everyone loved that thought lmao me mostly.

Eijirou rolled his eyes and put an arm around his waist, pulling him into his side and whispering into his ear, he was a couple inches taller than Kat since he grew. "You know you like these people. If you're a good boy for me, I'll reward you later~" He whispered against his ear and grabbed his chin lightly, making Kat look up at him and keeping intense eye contact.

Kat couldn't help as his face turned bright red, he looked around with his eyes to make sure no one was looking before his expression softened and he sighed. "D-Don't say it like that, you know how it makes me feel..." He whispered and looked up into his eyes shyly, his own flickering to and from his lips.

Eijirou just smiled and winked before he put both hands on Kat's hips and leaned down, kissing his lips lightly and pulling away quickly so the bottom couldn't get the satisfaction of returning or deepening the kiss. "I know that. Maybe you'll be good for me, then? Be a good boy, baby. And don't be angry, they're our friends, they won't judge us. Just be yourself." He whispered and moved his hands to his ass before he spread the cheeks apart through the spandex that Kat was wearing.

Kat blushed brighter and adjusted his spandex, nodding and pulling his shirt down while biting the inside of his cheek to hold back any noises he did NOT want to be released into the wilderness of this dorm. Eijirou just smiled and grabbed his hand, walking to the bean bag chair in the corner and he pulled Kat down into his lap, kissing his neck softly before Denki gasped and sat up quickly in his boyfriend's lap.

Hanta sat up, startled from the sudden movement, and he blushed as Denki giggled and spoke. "We should have a sleepover!" He buzzed, causing Hanta to caress his sides and whisper at him to calm down. Everyone nodded in agreement for a sleepover and Eijirou rose an eyebrow before whispered to Kat. "Well, what do you think?"

Kat's POV

"Well, what do you think?" Oh my fucking god, I know he did not just ask me that. Ex-fucking-scuse me?

I didn't even wanna come to this shit dorm in the first place, no judgement to Hanta, he's my bestie. I'm gonna shoot myself.

Wait. Shit.

Eijirou said he'd give me a...uhm... reward if I behave. Does agreeing to a quote unquote 'sleepover' count as behaving? I'm saying it does.

"S-Sounds... interesting." Did my voice just fucking crack. Now for this next trick watch as I fucking kill myself. "Would I still get my, uh, rewa-rd, Kiri?" My now whispering voice cracked again, I'm seriously gonna SCREAM. Anyway.

Oh my God, he's breathing against my neck and I think he just tightened his grip on my hips. "Of course, babyboy~" He whispered super sexily against my ear. I think I just came. (I crack myself up)

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