more textxtsststs for the kiribaKu hOes but alSo small scEnarios

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That's me
I'm a kiribaku hoe

Sharkboi🦈: Hey hot stuff

Blastyboi💥: I think you got the wrong number idiot

Sharkboi🦈: babe you can't keep using that excuse to brush off my compliments

Blastyboi💥: gRr whatever

Shark teeth🔥: Hurricane Katrina?

Anger Management 💥: ??? What about it???

Shark teeth🔥: more like hurricane tortilla

Anger Management 💥: why do I bother with you

Eiji♥️: uwu

Katsu🥵: me @ you: UwU

Eiji♥️: aww babe~

Katsu🥵: shut

Suki😘: hey Ei

Ei😍: woAh you started conversation, what's wrong?

Suki😘: just wanted to tell you I love you

I'll be there in a minute

Suki😘: door's unlocked
Hurry please

Ei😍: it's alright baby. I'll be there soon 😘

"Hey baby....." Katsuki looked up from his phone to see his boyfriend with a nervous face.

"Oh hey Eiji, what's up?" Baku turned his body so he was fully facing Eijirou.

"I like you." Eijirou said, initiating prolonged eye contact. Katsuki smiled softly.

"I know. I like you too hun." Eijirou felt his heart beat quickening at the petname, along with the softness in Kats voice.

"Okay, just gotta make sure you still like me." Eijirou said before skipping off, clearly estatic at Kat's response.

Katsuki only shook his head with a smile on his face before he continued scrolling through his feed on Instagram.

"Hey Ei"


Katsuki just stared at his boyfriend, waiting to hear his petname.


No answer, just staring at each other until Eijirou realized.

*Sigh* "Yes baby?"

"I love you"

"I love you too, baby"
241 words
Big brain

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