lmao whEn youRe saD

547 9 65

Based off a book I read 10/10 would recommend
Look up "Bakugous Poem" and its the first one. It's angsty as shit.

People say "destroy what is destroying you." Right?

Well what am I supposed to do when the thing destroying me is myself?
3rd person POV
He trembles as he walks to the front of the classroom. It's barely noticeable though and only one person saw it. His best friend. Kirishima gave him a small reassuring smile.

"Do I really have to read this sensei? I'll take points off if I must." Bakugou gave pleading eyes to his teacher, who raised his eyebrows surprised at the calmness of Bakugous voice.

Bakugou stared at the floor, feeling it was stupid to let his best friend, and crush, convince him to write about his feelings. He sighed before giving Kirishima a nervous glance. Kirishima gives him a soft smile in return, nearly melting Bakugous heart at the sweet gesture.

"Read the damn poem before I give you detention." Aizawa snapped at the boy. The entire class was surprised when the boy did not glare or yell at the teacher. Bakugou sighed in desperation. "Please Aizawa Sensei....I didn't know we had to present these." The class gave him a look of disbelief. He was being so calm and...... desperate?

Aizawa just glared at him, clearly thinking he just wanted to get out of presenting to the "class full of idiots" as Bakugou would call it. "Okay okay..." Bakugou teared up but didn't let anyone see he was breaking inside. As usual. He quickly writes something at the end of his poem and begins. The class, even the teacher were surprised when he spoke in a calm, soft voice.

"There's a boy
A very sad boy at that
A very angry boy
He is not angry
He is sad
Some might even say depressed
He is depressed
He doesn't like that word.

The boy is not hotheaded
People say he's hotheaded
He is not
He is sad
The sadness is blocked by a mask
He does not know how to be happy
So he pretends to be angry
He is not angry
He is sad.

The boy is so sad as to cut himself at night.
In his dorm he lies, crying silently as people sleep.
They wouldn't believe him, even if he told them.
So he cries
And he cries
And he cuts
His arms are covered by makeup during the day

He doesn't like to admit it, but he uses make up during the day to hide his cuts
The class trains happily
Except the boy
He acts angry to hide the sadness that haunts him at night.

The boy does not like to be angry.
Not one bit
He knows what anger can do to someone
His mother is very angry
The boy and his mother look almost identical.
Yet they are so different
The boy is almost exactly like his father
The nice father doesn't know his son cuts himself.
The father doesn't know the boy is abused either

The boys mother beats him whenever the father is out of the house, which is quite frequently.
She ties him to a chair and beats him with a leather belt. She only beats him in places his school uniform can cover.
No one would suspect a seemingly hotheaded boy to be abused by his mother... Would they?

The boy says he is going to bed at 8:30 and no one suspects a thing.
It routine for him to go to bed early
But he doesn't go to sleep until 1 am
He cuts himself all over his arms, only to cover them the next morning with makeup
He burns himself with his quirk, only to cover them along with the cuts

The teacher once nearly suspected something was going on at home, only to believe it was because they both have explosive personalities.
The boy is not explosive
His quirk may be, but he is not
He is sad
Oh so very sad

There's a boy in his class that he likes very much
A strange boy
A cute boy
The blonde doesn't want people to find out he likes the cute boy, so he acts like he doesn't
The cute boy continues to pry himself into the blondes life, much to the blondes dismay

The boy knows its getting harder and harder to hide his feelings for the cute boy, yet he keeps to himself

He cries himself to sleep at night
No one would suspect anything
He yells at his once childhood best friend
The other boy once saw bruises and suspected something
He almost knew
Before he could figure it out, the explosive blonde cut him out
He bullied him
He didn't want to

He did it so the damned boy didn't find out about the abusive mother
He didn't want his friend to find out
The boys mother said she would kill the sad boy if anyone ever found out
So he never told a single soul
Until today

The boy is covered in bruises, cuts, and burns as he walks into class.
No one sees how mush he is hurting
No one sees how sad he is
The teacher gives the heros in training an assignment
"Write a poem to present" is all he said before he went to sleep

The cute boy, now the blondes best friend, tapped the blondes shoulder, earning a glare
A fake glare
A facade
The boy took the earbuds out of his ears to listen to what the boy had to say
"We have to write a poem" his eyes sparkled as he spoke
The blonde almost smiled


"Whatever shitty hair" is all he responded
The cute boy somehow convinced him to write about his thoughts
What the blonde didn't know is he would have to present his poem
He only hoped the teacher would have a heart and not make him present to the class

Yet here we are"

He finished before walking back to his seat with hooded eyes.

"Uhhhh yea we're not presenting anymore uhm. I'm sorry Bakugou. I'm gonna go cry now." Aizawa sniffled, walking into the closet

'Thank God no one took it seriously' he thought, adjusting his sleeve.

.....or did they?
1016 words
Can't find motivation to continue lmao
That was it man
That's a short chapter
It be what it be
But fr like.... Am sad lmao

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