oH mY gOd shE livEs

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I'm shy-
No, I didn't have coronavirus.
I'm just a lazy piece of trash.
Pluuussss since a while I've been writing with KiriCroc I think (don't get mad) and I just caNt
Plus I'm sad so that's a thing so here's a sad

3rd POV bitches

Katsuki quickly peered over onto the counter and immediately fell onto her knees, tears pouring down her face. Eijirou, however, was just vibin on their shared bed, looking through his wife's (yes wife, kitty a girl) instagram page. She was adorable, what do you want him to do? Exactly. He suddenly heard Katsuki fall in the bathroom and he jumped out of bed, running over to the locked bathroom door.

"Baby? Are you okay?!" He asked and tried the doorknob, only to find it was locked. Katsuki looked up to the door and stood up, wiping her tears away shakily before grabbing the test and putting it in her pocket. She opened the door and hugged Eijirou tightly.

(If I may? Okay so Katsuki is not looking like Mitsuki. Let's just say he looks normal but instead of a dick, he has the other thing so he a girl. He still looks the same and doesnt have these giant tits like fanart suggests. I imagine her in a B cup-) (continuing)

Eijirou only hugged her back gently and kissed her head (he's a few inches taller). "Baby, what happened?" He asked softly and picked her up carefully, wrapping her legs around his hips manually and letting her cry into his shoulder as he sat down on the bed. She only sobbed loudly into his shoulder before looking up at him.

She shakily pulled the small test out of her pocket and handed it to him. He gasped softly and looked at the results.

"I-It's.... positive...!" He said as tears well up in his crimson eyes. "Please tell me it's real...." He said quietly as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. She nodded and turned her head so she was facing toward him, kissing his neck softly. He giggled and kissed her forehead. "Oh All Might, I love you so much, baby!" He kissed all over her face lovingly as she giggled.

"I thought you'd be mad...." She looked away guiltily as he gasped. "I could never be mad at you, honey...."

Smol timeskip to 5 months later✨

Eijirou was at his office, no, he was not a hero. He worked in an office building, filling out paperwork on his moniter because his wife said she was scared he would die out there. And he loves his wife. So he did what she asked. At least the job was easy. Todoroki walked to his ajar office door and knocked. "Kiri?" His voice sounded into the room with his child, Keinu. He has 6 girls with Momo and, luckily for him, Katsuki and Eijirou loved his kids and they loved them back.

He stood and opened the door all the way. "Yes, Todo? What brings you to my lovely office?" He giggled and gestured to the, surprisingly nice, room behind him. The walls were coloured with different shapes of different light colours. His nice mahogany desk his wife picked out was fairly neat with his moniter and 2 other screens beside it. He had a nice gray couch to the left of the doorway and a complimentary gray reclining chair to the right of the doorway. He had a connecting bathroom to the left of his desk, a couple feet from the reclining chair.

It was a nice aesthetic I made up in my mind just now.

Todoroki smiled tiredly. "Kat's here." He said before Katsuki came out from behind him, tears running down her face quickly as she sobbed. Eijirou gasped and softly hugged her as he smiled sadly to Todoroki, gesturing for him to come inside.

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