Yo man. It was Baku but nowww it's Kiri......again
I don't know if I used the picture but to hell with it.
Oh yea
Mentions cutting so uhh warning. YeA that's a thing
Please point out any mistakes
He bouta get the love smacked into him
Me:I should go back and make sure it doesn't sound so stupid
Inner me: you wrote what you wrote------------------------------------
Sad sad Kiri POV
Sigh. Here I am, once again, sad as heck. (Hehe). I don't understand why so many people call themselves my 'friends'. They don't need me. They shouldn't want someone as weak as me to be their friend. It's not cool to be friends with a weakling. I'm so stupid, thinking they were my friends and all. (Bruh same)Look at me. I'm disgusting, ugly, a coward, depressed, weak, etc.(bruhhhhhh same) Who would WANT to be my friend? And then there's Bakugou. Or shall I call him Katsuki? No, I don't deserve that right. Baku is my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure it's out of pity though. He's just so amazing and beautiful, on the inside and out. And I'm just......🤢. I don't think he's found out that I cut, so I guess I have that going for me. Ah yes, delaying the inevitable. Fun.
I should probably go do something to cheer me up from the slump I'm in. I mean, I am pretty revolting. Might as well just go cut again. It's so hard to hide these from my classmates and teachers though. I like having them as my friends, don't get my wrong, but they shouldn't want to be friends with me. Not willingly.
As I head to my dorm after a sad walk home, I bump into someone. "Oi, watch where you're goi- baby? Are you okay?" He asks frantically. What? I really my hand up to my face to discover that I'm crying. I'm such a baby. "O-oh uhmmm yea I'm fine. Sorry I'll go." I whisper in response. He raised an eyebrow at me before grabbing my arm and dragging me to his dorm.
After he shuts the door, he gently pushes me over to his bed, forcing me to sit down. His glare is replaced with a face full of worry and sadness when he heard no words of protest. He squats down in front of me to see my face, which is focused on the floor. Once I see his worried face come down to meet mine, the dam breaks. I guess seeing him look so worried about me made me feel really sad. Tears rush down my face as he looks panicked.
Sobs escape my lips as he pulls me down onto the floor with him. I bury my head in the crook of his neck as he hugs me tightly. I hear words of sheer (gay) panic leave him. "Shit shit shit uhhh... Ei it's gonna be okay. It'll be okay baby...... You'll be fine...... Baby what's wrong? I swear to All Might I'll kill whatever hurt you." He rubs my back, half talking to himself,...it feels like momma's hug, not gonna lie. If I had known he gives amazing hugs, I would've come to him earlier damn.
He smells like caramel and I absolutely love it. After a few minutes of breathing in his scent, the crying dissipates. His smell is relaxing. I'm so tired. I guess crying drains you. (It does. Trust me). I suddenly jolt up, realizing he can probably see my cuts. (His arms were resting by his sides and the sleeves were slightly rolled up). "Woah babe, calm down. It's just me sweetheart."
Holding back tears for so long has really taken its toll. Tears begin to roll down my face again, this time at a slow yet steady pace. I feel the arms around me loosening as he lets go of the tight embrace. He pushes me back a bit my the shoulders and gasps. "Baby what happened?" I shake my head.
"I'll kill whoever hurt you. Who did it?" I feel his hands start to heat up. "Kill me." I whisper to him, making him stop and look at me quizzically. (Big brain word). "What?" He questions sadly. "Please, just kill me." I say a bit louder. His eyes widen before he pulls me in again. "Don't say that baby. I love you too much to let you go. If you were thinking about that, you could've just said so." He says, eyes tearing up.
"I didn't want to worry you Baku." I say hugging him and resting my head back on his chest. "I told you to call me Katsuki. Baby, the only thing that could possibly worry me is you hiding things like that from me. Is there anything else you haven't told me about? And I mean anything." He sniffles. Should I tell him? Maybe I should... I really love him and sitting here hiding something like that from him probably isn't healthy.

Kiribaku One Shots (and maybe some other ships)
FanfictionFreaking one shots I either think of, base off a comic, get requested, or base off other stories I've seen. UwU So this while book is either angst fluff or both so I'm not putting any trigger warnings so if you read, you read. If you dont, you dont...