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yes imma write kami sero only this time bc i be wanting to write other ships and I don't wanna start a new book lmfao

"Hantaaaaaa..." I whined, plopping onto the couch in the common room, over Kat's legs and resting my upper body on Hanta's instead. Kat is, like, my bestie besides my bf and my other bestie Kiri, but nonetheless.

It's a different kind of relationship we have. I think I was last featured on "Denki's Intuition" or smth like that, this is part of that same storyline!!!! Any who.

I should watch the Grinch I think.

No, Denki! Stick to the script.

"Babyyyyyyyyyyy..." He whined back at me and I just huffed, turning my body to face the ceiling, and I poked his throat and he almost coughed. "Um, hello?" He asked, pausing his crossy road and looking at me, his hand resting on my hair.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I think he just wants attention, dumbass." Hanta just looked over at his childhood friend, deadpanned expression. "Well, obviously."

I sigh heavily and turn again to face Hanta's body, pressing my face against his stomach and feeling him twitch under my head, and suddenly I was vertical again. "Yup, goodbye." I said, walking into the kitchen and hearing him and Katsuki laugh from on the couch.

"D-Did he-" "Yes!" They both were cracking the flup up out there and I'm in here, embarrassed and eating out of a bag of shredded cheese. Kirishima walked into the kitchen, looking behind him and then he stopped, making dead eye contact with me before he turned around and sighed heavily. "Who embarrassed Denki? He's eating shredded cheese again!" And then the laugher only got louder from my boyfriend and best friend and other best friend.

"Oh, again?" And then the shark started to laugh and I only ate another handful of shredded cheese. Tokoyami, birb, walked into the kitchen and over to me, not stopping until he was right in front of me and he made eye contact with me too. "Cheese is the only thing that will satisfy my intense urge to wail like a little baby." He held a hand out and I just blinked at him before dropping a handful of cheese into his bare hand. He nodded. "Thank you, kind soul." and then he inhaled the fucking handful of cheese.

Literally, inhaled it all into his mouth. He chewed like twice and then swallowed. He's something else. I should try doing that.

No, Denki. You've tried that already yesterday and two days before that when the same thing happened. You choked both times and yesterday a single shred of cheese came out of your nose. Don't do it again, Denki.

I stared at my handful of shredded cheese, flicking my eyes up to Tokoyami's every couple seconds of looking at the cheese. And then I started bringing my hand up to my mouth. "Do it."

"Kami, don't you dare!" Katsuki said from the doorway and I paused my hand, looking at home with just my eyes before I quickly shoved that handful of shredded cheese into my mouth. "Denki, no!"

"Fuck, someone come help me!" He yelled through the door, only for Hanta to rush in. He took one look at me and almost burst into laughter. "Denki, baby, you've tried doing that thing Tokoyami does six times." He said, walking over to me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

I nodded. "And how many times have you choked on it and almost thrown up?" I sighed and held up my non-cheese covered hand. Five. "Uhuh, and how many times have you thrown up violently all over the kitchen floor." I feel my shoulder hunch over sadly and I held up my hand again. Two.

To be fair, the first time was when I was sick and decided that, hey, maybe cheese would help my tummy. I didn't shove it in my mouth or tried to inhale it, it was, like, a pinch of cheese and it triggered a spew fest from yours truly.

He smiled and nodded before holding his hand out. I shook my head and he sighed. "At least chew it all up, babe." He rubbed my shoulders and I slowly chewed the cheese up before the feeling of it getting soggy in my mouth started making me feel like I'd throw up. I stopped chewing and looked at him with shame, gagging at the feeling on my tongue. Kat came over with the trash can and I gagged again, opening my mouth and spitting out all the chewed and soggy shredded cheese that was in my mouth.

I gagged a couple more times, but! No vomit!!!! I shuddered as I was handed a bottle of water and I took a mouthful, swishing it around before spitting that into the garbage as well and then I drank a tiny bit.

Kat took the bin and pulled out the bag to tie it and take it out so no one would have to see that and I refused to look up at Hanta as he rubbed my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for embarrassing you, baby. I'm just a boy, and having your head there makes me feel like a silly goose." I just whined as I took two small steps forward and rested my forehead against his collar. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rubbed my back. "There, there." I feel another hand on my lower back and I look up with a pout to see Tokoyami.

"You'll master the art of cheese inhalation one day, pikachu." He said in that assertive voice of his and walked away, and I just whined and rested my forehead against Hanta's collar again, my hands moving to hold his shirt. I heard him giggle and he kissed my head.

"Now, how about that attention you requested earlier?" I nodded quickly and smiled, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the living room. I pushed him to lay on the couch he and Kat had been sitting on and I lay down on his chest, changing the TV from "Keeping up with the Kardashians" that Katsuki, Tsu, and Shoji had been watching to the Grinch movie with Jim Carrey playing the grinch.

Everyone gathered in the common room and the lights were dimmed. Katsuki perked up halfway through the opening scene. "It's literally September twenty first." "Shhh!"

1073 words with the note at the top.
I just uploaded that last chapter that took like a week to write, and this one took an hour.

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