uhm yEs

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Imma base this one off the media picture. If you can't see it or its not loading, I'mma tell you.

Baku: My boyfriend made fun of me so I'm starting a petition to put him down.
Therapist: u won't do that
Baku: yes I will
Therapist:okay imagine for a moment just not having kirishima
Baku, sniffling: f....fuck you

Yup it's based off that sorta. In this Baku is ultra clingy but doesn't like how much power Eiji has over him. I don't know what the fuck I'm saying at this point so just read I guess....or don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, they've never said "I love you"

Eijirou POV

Oh how much I love my boyfriend. Nearly the entire class is gathered here in the common room and I'm teasing Katsuki. Not sexually, just making him question why he's dating me.

We were just chatting and stuff until someone, I can't remember, asked how certain couples were doing. "We're doing just fine, thanks for asking." Ochako said as Tsu cuddled against her. They really were a cute couple. Maybe the cutest couple in U.A.  Tsu pipes up from her place.

"Hey Kirishima, how are you and Bakugou doing?" Katsuki adjusted himself in my lap uncomfortably. He doesn't like talking about us. He gets all flustered and embarrassed, but it's adorable. :0 imma make him so flustered. He's gonna hate me haha. He loves me. He's told me before. He r e a l l y likes me is what he said but I understand. I really like him too. A lot. Anyway. Back to the story. Imma tease the shit outta him.

"How would you say we're doing baby?" I whisper in his ear. He froze. His face turned a rose red, the tips of his ears a soft pink. "U-uhm..." His eyes searched his crossed legs, looking for words that won't utterly embarrass him. A few people giggled at his sudden shyness. "S-shut up! I'd say we're good.... Right Ei?" "Yup! He's perfect for me." I lovingly gaze in his wide eyes. Got him. "o-okay ei..." He whispered.

Minutes pass and he's finally calmed down enough to speak without stuttering. The room was quiet. Was. Until he decided to speak. "My boyfriend made fun of me so I'm starting a petition to put him down." He said somewhat angrily. Mina perked up from her place on Tokoyami's lap.

"No you won't." "Yes I will" She sighed before proposing a thought. "Okay, imagine just not having Kirishima." Everyone was silent. Even Denki froze. That's saying a lot. Denki is usually very loud or hyper. But he was frozen in his seat. He, along with the rest of the Bakusquad, knew how sensitive Kat was. I'm not sure why Mina said that, but it got to Kat.

Denki and Sero were just 👀 between Katsuki, who sat in my lap, and Mina, who sat in Tokoyami's. I could feel the thick tension in the room. Everyone knew Katsuki would blow up on her. Or atleast they thought. Suddenly, a small sniffle cut sharply through the thick silence of the room. I glanced down to see a tear rolling down his pale face, his eyes looked like he was attempting to force tears back. Attempting. Everyone's attention turned onto the boy in my arms.

"F...Fuck you Mina" he wiped his face with his sleeves before pulling himself closer to me. I wrap my arms around his back as he cried into my chest, saying things along the lines of "I'm so sorry Ei. Don't leave me please". He buried his face into my chest and heavily sobbed. I glared at Mina and played with his hair, whispering in his ear. "I would never leave you baby. I love you too much."

He pulled back slightly, my arm falling from its resting place on his shoulder. I could see tears pricking his eyes, a few being able to escape. "You....you said you l-loved me?!" His eyes were wide, a smile tugging at his soft lips, his dimples showing. "Mhm. I love you so much baby." He finally let the smile force its way into his lips, his deep dimples making him look like a child. He let out a few giggles.

"I love you too." He said happily as tears ran down his face. "No baby don't cry." I wiped a tear off his delicate cheek and kissed his forehead, letting a happy tear leave my right eye. He giggled again before placing a small, soft kiss upon my lips.

3rd POV because cute shit bouta go down bitch

The class stared in awe. They knew Eijirou had gotten Katsuki to behave and open up a bit, but I don't think they knew Katsuki was like this behind closed doors. He was adorable. Anyone could see that. Aizawa was also a little jealous in class, having to call his husband to come give him a kiss for no reason. Present Mic never complained.

But Katsuki was absolutely smitten for Eijirou. It was obvious. They've been dating only a few months and Eiijirou had already been able to get Katsuki to control his anger a tad. He doesn't yell at Midoryia too often now. He smiles at people instead of yelling. He lets people in. He is opening up to people more. And it's all because of Eijirou.

Sorry, I'm adding too much dialogue and stuff. Here you go.

Eijirou smiled at Katsuki as he released himself from the kiss. Katsuki pale cheeks dusted a light pink, seeing the smirk on Eijirou's face. Kat rested his forehead on Eijirou's chest and grabbed Eijirou's hands, playing with their slender fingers. Eijirou smiled, unnoticed by the blonde (I thank my sister for helping me spell unnoticed because I have the big dumb).

Ei looked up to see the entire class staring at them. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Yea, I think we're going perfectly." Katsuki hummed in agreement. The class awwed, admiring the couple.

'Oh how much I love my boyfriend.'
1014 words
Bruh dumb chapter but idgaf
I love you 😘
I'm gone

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