is this a jeaLous I see??!?!

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My man
My main man
3rd person POV

Bakugou. Yes Bakugou. He is very touch starved....... Like............ VERY touch starved. He would cuddle just about anybody who would agree. And lets just say, he loves it. He loves when anyone, other than Deku of course, agrees to cuddle him. He still hates Deku. He still yells. He is still very angry, but everyone knows he has a soft side. He gets even softer around his boyfriend though.

Another thing he loves is when said boyfriend gets jealous about it. Sometimes Kirishima is busy and can't cuddle his precious ball of emotions, so Bakugou goes to someone else. Bakugou first tries the Bakusquad, and then he moves onto other people. Momo, Jirou, and basically anyone who isn't totally retarded. Yea. It's cute. He even went to Aizawa once crying because everyone was busy. Dadzawa to the rescue. Don't worry, Present Mic got a few pictures of it. EraserMic whO?!?! Mhmm you're welcome.

Nonetheless, Kirishima gets jealous after he sees anyone else cuddling his boyfriend. They are such couple goals. Bakugou was always touch deprived. After cuddling someone, he would always be happy and stuff for an hour or so, and then he'd be back to himself. The class loved soft Baku. He was like a really shy child when he asked for cuddles and stuff. It's so cute.

Sometimes Bakugou would have to go days without any physical contact, due to being busy. Or everyone else was busy. After a few days of no cuddles, he was really sad. And most times, he would cry.

Currently, Bakugou was feeling really down. It was the kind of day where he felt absolutely horrible. No, not sickly. He just felt sadder than usual. He didn't even yell at Deku. In fact, he didn't really yell at anyone. He didn't hold his boyfriends hand at all. Hell, he didn't even glare or threaten anyone. Everyone knew something was wrong when he came into class and put his head down. He lacked the fiery personality the class had come to know and love.

"What happened with Bakugou?" Was heard faintly as Mina asked the boyfriend of the boy in question. "I.....I don't even know." Eijirou was boozled. (Can't think of the right word lmao) He had never seen his boyfriend this sad. I mean, he has had episodes like this before, but not where he won't let anyone make the slightest bit of physical contact. He's usually just very clingy when he gets sad.

Bakugou, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears. He knew that if anyone touched him, he would cry. It's not like he hasn't cried before. He definitely has. He knew he would break down and not let go of the person for atleast a few hours. He couldn't do that in school. 'Why is it so bad today?' he thought to himself as the others whispered around him.

"Bro what's going on with him?"

"Did you do something?"

"Is he okay??"

Aizawa walked into the rather quiet classroom. "Sit your asses down" Aizawa demanded. Wondering why the classroom isn't filled with threats, he asks aloud "Where's Baku..gou." he frowned, looking at the sad bean. After quickly writing something on the board and giving a small explanation of what to do, he walks over to the very sad child.

He squats down to Bakugous level, giving a small, sad smile. Bakugou takes a peek at who is next to him before burying his head back down into his arms. Aizawa let out a worried sigh, speaking in a soft voice. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Do you need a hug?" He thought for a minute before answering.

Do I need a hug?

Can I wait until later?

We have 3 hours until lunch.....

He sat up and removed his arms from on the desk, sniffling and nodding slowly. Aizawa, knowing how protective Kirishima could get over Katsuki so he nodded and pointed over to his desk. "I'll be over in a minute, I have to talk with someone." Katsuki nodded and slowly walked over to the teachers desk, wiping tears that kept spilling out of his eyes.

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