but like what about the chickens??!!

391 10 16

I don't know with the title anymore tbh

3rd POV but are you suprised? Not anymore tbh

"It's about Bakugou, Kiri."

Eijirou's back straightened and his eyes grew wide. He snapped all his attention from his phone over to Mina. He sat up quickly and stared at the girl, abandoning his phone.

"What happened??" Mina sighed and avoided eye contact before starting. "Aizawa-sensei sent him to the nurse for.....uhm...... something he had seen while Bakugou was training," Eijirou was beyond scared for his boyfriend. Mina even used his name. She used his actual fucking name. "He has been in there for a few hours and uhm..... they thought you would get all "protective boyfriend" over him so they waited until his parents left to tell us." Eijirou squinted his eyes at the clearly afraid girl.

"Mina......what did Aizawa see that sent him to the nurse?" He asked lowly, accidentally intimidating his friend. "U-uhm it's bad, but I know you won't get mad at him. Just promise me you'll behave when you get there, okay?" Eijirou was mildly confused, but nodded his head. "He uhh....Aizawa saw some uhhh cuts on him..." Eijirou was a tad confused at this.

"We get cuts all the time from training Mina. You had me really worried for a second-" "No Kiri....he had cuts on him. His thighs and forearms are covered in them." She made a motion with her hand and arm when she emphasized 'cuts'. Eijirou, sat for a moment, processing what he had just heard. His boyfriend has cuts on his arms and- hold on a second. Cuts...? It clicked.

Eijirou jumped out of his bed, faster than Iida would be comfortable with admitting, and began to run to recovery girl. He would've done that as soon as Mina said 'its about Bakugou' but he wanted to know what happened. He was confused, upset, and a little angry all at once.

Confused as to why and how Katsuki had been able to do that without anyone noticing, without him noticing.

Upset because Katsuki didn't think he could tell and trust his boyfriend with that information, or so he thought.

And he was angry because who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to wait to tell him. Cuz it fucking wasn't.

Luckily, it was a Saturday so there weren't many people out of their dorms at 9 a.m. Eijirou raced through the halls until he was in front of the door. That's when this all hit him. 'Katsuki cut himself...' he couldn't wrap his head around it. That's when he saw all the signs he'd been brushing off for what they truly are.

His sudden quietness,

His shyness,

His insecurity,

His sad eyes,

The long sleeves...

He saw them all for what they really were in that moment. 'When did this start though?' he couldn't piece it together this time. 'Had it really been a long time or am I just too dense to notice when it started?' But now wasn't the time to dwell on that. He wanted- no, needed to see his boyfriend before he drove himself crazy. So he finally knocked on the door, having to calm himself down.

Some taking was heard on the inside before the door swung open to reveal the short nurse. "Okay Kirishima, don't freak out. Don't cause him any stress. Don't overwhelm him. Got it?" She rested her hands on her stubby hips. "Yes ma'am" "okay, come on in."

Katsuki faced the other way, not caring who was there at this point. He just wanted it to be his lover. He thought he would've been the first to be informed, guess he was wrong. Either that, or, Eijirou didn't care enough to see him. He didn't want people to view him differently just because of a few dozen nights when the nightmares and whispers became too much for him.

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