Freaking one shots I either think of, base off a comic, get requested, or base off other stories I've seen.
So this while book is either angst fluff or both so I'm not putting any trigger warnings so if you read, you read. If you dont, you dont...
"I HAVE SOME FUCKING TEA TO SPILL BITCHES GATHER NOW!" Katsuki screamed throughout Sero's dorm. They were having a lovely sleepover. No they weren't. They were having a sleepover but since all their personalities clash perfectly, they act like they're on drugs. But I do that too so 😗.
Mina, Tokoyami, Hanta, and Denki all scrambled around the tea-spillin hoe. "BITCH FUCKING SPILL N O W!" Mina yelled
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MAYBE I WILL!" "Ugh fine." Mina crossed her arms as she plopped onto Tokoyami's lap. Sero sat next to them with Denki on his lap. Eijirou was being sat on by Katsuki, which was not surprising.
"So Chako just texted me and said that Deku and Daddy issues are dating." Mina's got out her pack of gum and handed them out to the group, smacking hers as she did so. "Really? I thought they were just a one night stand?" She said, obnoxiously smacking her gum as she adjusted herself in her boyfriend's lap.
The group knew that Katsuki and Mina took their tea seriously. Everyone else was silently letting the tea get spilled so they can clean it up later.
"Well, they were but then Deku, that dumb bitch, wanted more. So did Daddy issues I guess." Eijirou whispered a "behave" harshly, earning a quick nod and a quiet "sorry Ei."
"Hm interesting imma have to barge into their love life and ask some embarrassing questions." Mina said, still loudly smacking her gum. Katsuki nodded fiercely and smacked his gum along with Mina.
"Well, since the Tea is being spilled, I gotta spill some knowledgeable tea." Katsuki nodded. "I heard from Tsu that Jirou and Momo have also gotten together." Katsuki gasped.
"Girly they fuckin???" Katsuki exclaimed as Eijirou started drawing small hearts with his finger on Katsuki's bare thigh. Tokoyami was placing small kisses on Mina's neck. (How I don't know but it's cute so it's there and fuck you if you think you can question me)
"More like rubbing and licking, but you get it." (I am so sorry but lesbians). Katsuki nodded. Sero and Denki were just watching the two 'spill the tea' while being couple goals. Mina and Katsuki were bestest friends and told each other everything.
"Honey I heard Aoyama cheated on Iida with that 1-B bully." Mina said, getting nail polish from her purse. "Which one?" Katsuki pointed to a nice orange color in her purse, to which she handed him. "That copycat hoe." She began painting his nails with the orange polish. "Ah, fuck him." He watched her carefully apply the polish.
"That's what he did to Aoyama." Mina said, finishing the right hand and moving to the left hand. Katsuki gasped, admiring her work as she worked on the other. Eijirou, Tokoyami, Denki, and Sero were just watching Katsuki being calm, as he always was with the group, but he was also relaxed.
They loved when it was just them because that's when Katsuki showed emotion and actually let his enjoyment show through the facade.
"Girly thank you now let me do yours." "Alright honey." Mina handed him a hot pink nail polish and a clear coat, to which he took and began painting her nails.
Eijirou watched as Katsuki painted Mina's nails and admired the concentration etched on his face. In that moment he knew. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
Katsuki and Mina were chatting about some left over tea from last tea-spilling session as Katsuki finished. "Anyway Minnie I gotta go and cuddle with Ei." He said as he got up and stretched his legs. Eijirou couldn't help himself but stare at his boyfriends ass. Mina saw this and flashed him a suspicious smile and stood up.
She hugged Katsuki and not-so-sneakily handed Eijirou a condom. Katsuki didn't notice as he whispered "Toko is staring at your ass honey. Have fun." Mina laughed a little before mouthing to a blushing Eijirou. 'Be quiet'. Eijirou stood up and grabbed Katsuki's hand as he released from Mina's hold. Tokoyami playfully smacked Mina's ass and grabbed her hand.
The two couples looked back to see Denki and Sero having a deep conversation. Denki was facing Sero as he sat in his lap and they were about an inch apart from each other. Couple goals, as I've said.
"Bye Minnie." "Bye Bitch."
-------------------------------------------------------------- 733 words. Crack Just wanted to get a chapter out I'm like totally digging TokoMina I saw one freaking one shot of them being cute and I was like
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So yea Deal with it uwu Unless I find another ship or get requested another ship. I just find them adorable a the moment soooo. Adios muchachos y muchachas.