um anyway.
Let's start with what happened this morning, gays.
"What do you mean, I did NOT disrespect you, babe." Kirishima said as he and his boyfriend, Katsuki, made the bed.
A little backstory first though. They were 20, pro heroes, and lived together. They'd been together for about 4 years, and the fact that this was at least a weekly "argument" was boggling and, in itself, funny.
"You absolutely did, Eijirou." He said simply with a huff, shaking his head as he tucked in the flat sheet under the mattress so it'd be flat. "I did not! Katsuki, I was sleeping!" He sounded exasperated.
"Don't use that fucking tone with me, boy. You took the entire fucking blanket and threw it off the bed!" Kat cried dramatically, crossing his arms and walking away, leaving Eijirou to finish straightening the comforter.
"Babe, I was asleep, and it was probably too hot or something." He called after him and sighed, gathering the empty water bottles from his nightstand. It was Sunday, so they were cleaning up their apartment of anything they left out during the week. It's basically a reset day for them.
"I was freezing, Eiji. I can't believe you'd do something like that, bro." He huffed from where he was in the bathroom, just cleaning up the mirror and countertop and putting stuff away, like his eyeliner that everyone knows he wears.
"Bruh, I didn't do it on purpose." He whined, the sound getting louder before he was standing in the bathroom doorway, leaning his sexy ass against the doorframe. He was shirtless from sleeping still, only in some loose basketball shorts.
He's such a guy frfr.
"I don't believe you." Katsuki shook his head and finished wiping off the counter before he flushed the toilet. It's clean, they clean it daily because they're not dumb and are very clean people for the most part.
Kat walked toward the doorway and looked up slightly at his taller boyfriend, crossing his own arms across his chest. "Excuse me." He said in an aggravated tone, but Eijirou knew he wasn't really all that annoyed.
"Babe, come onnnnn." He whined as he stepped back and turned so Katsuki could get by him. He watched Kat, his eyes focused on his ass as he walked in a baggy Red Riot™ hoodie and sweatpants. His ass was so thick though, despite the sweatpants being baggy, they still made his ass look phat.
"I'm serious, I was cold, man!" He shook his head, smiling as he walked grabbed their laundry basket from the closet and walked out of their room and into the small laundry space they had in the living room.
He put the laundry in the wash, he didn't separate that shit because I don't and it turns out fine. Eijirou just followed after him like a stray puppy, picking up the few things he saw as he walked.
"I'm sorry? I really didn't mean to. Please don't make me sleep on the couch." He pressed his palms together and laced his fingers as he made a pleading face at him. "I don't know, E. You don't seem to respect me or the blanket." He shrugged as he put the laundry pod in and closed the lid, pressing a couple buttons before the water started to pour into the machine.
"I do! I just got too hot, and it's not like I can control what my body does when I am sleeping." Eijirou sighed and dropped his hands, stepping forward and resting them on Katsuki's hips. "Please don't be too upset with me, I'm sorry. Maybe we should turn the A/C down a little tonight. You know I'm like a living heater when I'm sleeping." He whispered as he pulled Kat into his chest and hugged around his waist.
Kat smiled and leaned his head back against his shoulder before he turned his head, kissing his boyfriend's jaw. "I know. I hate wearing socks to bed though." He whined before he furrowed his brows when their cat, named Mini Riot, walked into the living room from where she'd been loudly eating in the kitchen.
Mini Riot, dubbed 'bastard' by Katsuki, meowed loudly and glared at him before she meowed and rubbed up against Eijirou's leg. She meowed again loudly and sassily walked away, her head turned to stare at Katsuki as she walked into their room and jumped on the bed to sleep in Eijirou's spot.
She was so funny.
The cat doesn't really like Kat, and Eijirou always said they're like two cats fighting. He'd always get a huff and playful push when he said that though.
"Fucking bastard." He grumbled before he turned and rested his arms atop Eijirou's shoulders, staring up at him with a sigh. "I guess I'll forgive you, but if you do it again, there will be consequences, Eijirou." He huffed yet smiled, pressing a kiss to his lover's lips.
Later that night, after they cleaned up, had dinner, and watched a movie, and finally showered, Katsuki lie in bed with his man. They'd showered together and even had some steamy sex (literally), but now they were tired. Kat got under the covers, in a different Red Riot™ hoodie and a pair of Eijirou's sweatpants, even though they were way bigger on him.
Eijirou was always wider than him, so his pants were always bigger on the blonde, but they both liked it. Kat got comfortable under the blankets and waited for Eijirou to lock the door and turn out all lights before he came into the room. He was shirtless, yet again, but this time in just his boxers.
"Everything's locked up and cleaned." He said, leaning over and kissing Katsuki's temple as he got under the blankets. "Thank you." Kat whispered, yawning and stretching before he hugged his boyfriend when he got comfy and stopped moving around.
"I'm so tired..." Kat mumbled, one of his cold hands resting on Eijirou's warm abs and he curled up into his side. "I love you, Eiji. Goodnight." He mumbled sleepily, which earned a quiet "awe" from the redhead. "I love you too, Katsuki. Goodnight, baby." He whispered and kissed his forehead again.
Four hours of peaceful sleeping, and suddenly there was a loud thump on the floor beside the bed. "Wha- OW!" Eijirou whined and rubbed his ass before he sat up, letting his eyes adjust to the dark room before he saw Katsuki with all of the blankets bundled around him, smiling contently. If Eijirou wasn't on the floor, he would've awwed and admired the smile.
"Babe, did you...kick me off the bed?" Eijirou asked as he stood and lay back down on the bed. "You tried prying the blankets off of me, I felt it. So, yes, I kicked and pushed your heavy body off the bed. Don't take my fucking blankets." He huffed before he nuzzled into the blankets and relaxed with another smile. "Uhhhh, okay." Eijirou sighed and cupped Kat's cheek, kissing his lips lightly. "Whatever, as long as you're happy, babe." He shrugged.
That was not the first, nor will it be the last, time Katsuki had shoved Eijirou off the bed.
1200 words. Goodbye.

Kiribaku One Shots (and maybe some other ships)
FanfictionFreaking one shots I either think of, base off a comic, get requested, or base off other stories I've seen. UwU So this while book is either angst fluff or both so I'm not putting any trigger warnings so if you read, you read. If you dont, you dont...