what if we did one ab bakugou actually being comfy around his squad

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ah, yes! nothing feeds my soul at (checks time) 00:21 like some talk about that good shit!! (the stupid exclamation marks make me giggle(

(I started this chapter like a week ago ish and I just spent all day reading the book thief, and I started and finished, and I cried. so fluff)

Katsuki stepped down the last couple of steps and into the common room before he walked over to the long couch that currently had literally the rest of the squad sitting on it.

Denki had been sitting on the arm of the couch, charging his phone with Hitoshi's arm around his waist. Hitoshi was watching him play crossy road with Mina sitting on the other side of him, reading through some women's magazine, and then Kirishima sat beside her, just scrolling the gram.

Bakugou turned down his hearing aids before he suddenly lay down across the three sets of legs, letting Kami have his moment of not being under the blonde.

Hitoshi glanced at the ash blonde before he looked at his boyfriend's phone, seeing that he'd paused the game and laid it on the arm rest. Mina had loosened her crossed legs slightly so her knees didn't jab Kat in the pelvis, yet continued reading her magazine. Eijirou looked down at his own boyfriend and smiled, laying his phone on his free thigh as Katsuki wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed his face into his covered abs.

He put his hand in Katsuki's hair and raked his fingers through it gently. "Hey, Kat." He whispered, knowing he couldn't hear him. He gently turned his hearing aid up just so he could hear him. "Making your ears hurt again?" Kat shrugged, which was definitely a 'yes'.

He smiled and hummed quietly. "Can we take them out for a little while?" Kat sighed and nodded hesitantly. "Okay, babe. I love you." He said quietly before turning them off and carefully pulling them out of his ears, and he pulled the case out of his pocket. He always carried around the case for them, for moments like this.

Kat sighed in relief when they were taken out, but he tensed as everything was eerily silent, except that ringing feeling he felt against his eardrums. It hurt, but it was slowly fading. He'd had his hearing aids in for longer than he should've. He's supposed to take them out every night to rest his ears while he slept, but he'd had them in for three days straight. He's so stubborn sometimes. And paranoid that something is gonna happen when he's sleeping and he won't be able to hear it.

Eijirou smiled at him and played with his hair softly as Denki moved to sit on the floor at Eijirou's feet. He tapped Bakugou's shoulder and smiled when the other blonde turned his body to face Denki. He'd grabbed Eijirou's other hand from where it'd been resting on the arm of the couch, and he stared at Denki as the electric blonde started to sign excitedly about a new game he bought.

Katsuki smiled and giggled quietly at the excited signing. Denki had known JSL since his mother lost her hearing before he was even born due to her quirk. Denki always had a chance he could go deaf too, but he used precautions to ensure he wouldn't go deaf so suddenly. As of now, his hearing had only barely been affected, which was good.

Hitoshi watched his electric boyfriend sign quickly at the blonde to get his mind off whatever pain was in his ears, and he smiled at him, just watching what he was saying.

Katsuki felt better about his disability when people just sat and signed to him like it was normal, everyday behavior of everyone around him. He liked even better that he could practically hear the words Denki was saying with his hands.

Kat looked up at Eijirou, seeing him typing on his phone before the redhead noticed him and smiled. 'Hey.' He saw his mouth move. He sighed and sat up, nudging Eijirou's arm until he'd lifted both of his arms, letting Kat do whatever it was that he wanted. Like one would do with an animal.

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