kinda but not really based off a convo me and my friend had

616 10 14

It is what it is
I'm Kirishima and my friend is Bakugou
Like actually based off a convo me and my best friend had '3'
(Not really toward the middle but¯\_(ツ)_/)
Can't tell if it was like actual flirting or anything but like '3' can't ask that because if it isn't then it'll be awkward for me and aHhhh
They aren't dating in this yet Soo '3'
"What the fuCk Kyle no step the fUCK up Kyle"
The cute and innocent but self hate sharky POV
Wow. I'm not sure how it got to this arguing honestly. This started with me sending a few memes of Baku and I. I sent him a few pictures and it just went from there.

 I sent him a few pictures and it just went from there

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Yea. Very wierd, I know. But I thought they were cute so I had to. That last one was basically us on a daily basis. But then we started arguing? Was it arguing? I don't think it was arguing but it was more like......... Flirting?

It's no surprise I have feelings for the hot head himself. I mean I'M the only one he really talks to, in a non threatening way of course. He's just so manly and strong. Moving on.

"Bro, Kiri you are thicc as fuck" Bakugou snapped me out of my daze. "No man that's all you. I'm just fat" Baku gaSpEd at those words. He looks kinda angry, not gonna lie.

"No you're not you are like...really skinny...and I'm just....I'm ugly" this time I gasp. "Bruh no I'm not. You are like the hottest person I've ever freaking seen. I'm ugly" I say. He looks at me like I've lost my damn mind.

"Dude, Kiri," my eyes widen. He never calls me by my name. Usually something having to do with my hair. ", You are so fucking sexy." I'm surprised he hasn't blown anything up yet.

"Noo Baku. Stop lying to meeee." His eyes widen a tad. Now he's getting angy. "Why the absolute fuck would I lie to the hottest person I know??" He angrily whisper-yells at me. I'm guessing to avoid people questioning us.

"I'm the hottest person you know?" I whisper back. His face slightly reddens at my words. Is he...blushing? He quickly nods. "You know, you just made me realize how many ugly people I know." Baku says.

"Wait so am I like the better ugly person then?" He looks confused. "Huh?" "I mean like, if you know many ugly people then am I just the better looking ugly person?" I question, saddened by the fact that I really am just ugly. "NO, uhhh I mean... No Ei, you are prettier than any person I've ever seen. Including models and stuff" he runs his hand through his hair nervously.

(Gotta get my other angy hot Boi POV.)
Explodie boi
Bro I hope he doesn't like shut me down. He probably thinks it's only friendly flirting but maN how much I like him. More than a friend that's for damn sure. He's just so cute standing there with this pink tinge on his beautiful manly face. God he's so hot.

Next thing I know, there is snapping in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my daze from the beautiful boy. "Uhh yeah?" I ask the red head. "Uhm I just wanted to say that uhh IlikeyoualotandIjusthopeandpraytowhateverisouttherethatyoulikemeback" he says really fast before covering his face, embarrassed.

I tilt my head to the side and he sighs, bringing his hand up to my hair. My eyes widen when he runs a hand though my natural 'spiky' hair. He gives a little smile. "You would think that your hair is hard and prickly, but in reality it's really soft." He smiles, looking into my eyes with those gorgeous bright red eyes of his. "Just like you" he adds

"What did you say before Ei?" I ask, whispering. I realize I used his first name. It is what it is. What can ya do after saying your crushes first name TO your crush? Absolutely fucking nothing. His face turns a deep scarlet color. "Uhh w-well...." He starts before becoming silent. I think he realized that he was still inches from my face because he backed away from me. "Sorry" he says covering up his face once again.

I step forward, hoping he said what I thought he said. As I step forward, I grab the hands from his face and hold them in my own, causing him to become more flustered. He makes no effort to remove his hands from mine though. I soften my grip on his hands so I'm gently holding them in my own.

"What is it Ei?" I whisper to him. He looks so cute standing there with his eyes wide at the fact that I'm just holding his hands. "Uhmm well I-i like you...." He says looking up at me. "Uhuh I like you too...." He shakes his head. "No i like like you. I like you so so much Kat." I get flustered over the words stumbling out of his mouth.

"O-oh.... I like you a lot too Eiji" I feel my face growing warmer by the second. He is making me so fucking soft. It is what it is. "R-really??" He looks so excited and happy, compared to the nervousness a few seconds ago. "Yes really." He looks up at me and smiles wide.

He wraps his arms around me tightly and I return the hug. He buried his head in the crook in my neck in a cute way. "God you are so fucking cute" I whisper in his ear causing him to bury his head deeper. He squeaks out a "no I'm not, you are".

I pull out of the hug reluctantly, seeing a sad look on Ei's face. "Sorry but I have to ask you something." He smiles and tilts his head, almost like a puppy. He just looks so fucking adorable when he looks at me like that.

"What is it Kat?" He asks softly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, messing around with my hands so I don't have to look at him. He hugs me again, gently this time. I hug him back, teary eyed.

"Of course I will Kat"

"You're still the hottest person I know Ei"

"God no I'm not, you are the hottest person alive."

"Don't start with your bullshit Ei."

"My bullshit? Then what do you call all that lying you're doing?"


"K-kat you're being t-too loud"


"Kat s-stop it"

"Ugh fineeeeee....hottie"

"Yea yea whatever hot stuff"


"Nothing you need to worry about Katsu~"


Okay I know I said this is based off texts between me and my friend buuut I decided to change it up with them confessing to each other. I'm pretty sure my friend doesn't like me like that. I can only hope.

I still ain't got no regrets from this book 😂


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