Lmao a title? what's that?

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Kat walked into the common room after finally finishing his English homework, with mass difficulty might I add, and sat beside his dominant boyfriend. Eijirou smiled and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, making the smaller male smile. "Hey." Eijirou's deep voice spoke, making Katsuki blush. "Hey..." His slightly higher pitched voice spoke quietly.

Eijirou sat up slightly and pulled Kat onto his lap, hugging him close to his chest. "U-Uhm, Ei-" "Mine." He kissed the top of his head lovingly and rubbed up and down his sides. "I've heard that there's someone else crushing on you in school, and I want everyone to know that you are mine." Kat blushed a darker shade and giggled shyly, burying his face into Eijirou's chest. "Y-You're so wierd!" He giggled cutely and shyly.

Kat was always shy about their relationship, well, let me put it this way. He was always open about his sexuality, he would always talk about his wonderful boyfriend to his friends, but the moment someone asks something relatively personal, like if they've had sex or whatnot, he would get shy. He turns bright red and stutters a bunch, which his boyfriend finds adorable, while Eijirou's arm was wrapped around his waist or shoulders and he would nonchalantly answer. Which, by the way, is a no to that question. Moving on.

Eijirou's heart fluttered slightly and he chuckled deeply as he wrapped his hands around Kat's waist, kissing his nose sweetly. "You're so adorable." He whispered as Monoma appeared out of nowhere and stared at Kat with a dominant look, making the small boy shutter. "Well hey, cutie~" Monoma flirted, making Eijioru glare at him. "He's mine, back off." He said angrily and held Kat to his chest protectively.

Monoma only smiled and ignored home going to tap on Kat's shoulder for his attention, which he was currently avoiding. "I'm talking to you-" Eijirou was quick to grab his hand and harden his own. "Leave him alone." He demanded, the class 1-B student nodding quickly as Eijirou released his quirk. Monoma cried out in pain before rushing back into his class dorms. "Thanks, Eiji....." Kat's small voice mumbled into his shirt, only making Eijirou smile.

"Anything for you baby." He gently lifted up his chin and kissed his lips softly, Katsuki blushing dark red at their first kiss but nonetheless awkwardly kissing back. He wrapped his arms around his neck and finally got the hang of it, smiling shyly and blushing as Eijirou's arms snaked around his hips once more. He bit Kat's soft bottom lip gently with his sharp teeth, the smaller boy moaning softly in a puddle of love in front of him.

"I love you, baby~" He whispered huskily into the kiss, receiving another soft moan. "I love you too..." He whispered breathily as their perfect first kiss came to an end, along with their first 'I love you'. Kat was smiling shyly and giggled breathily as Eijirou panted slightly and chuckled, both of them staring into each other's eyes before they went in for another, just as perfect, kiss.

I know, it was short, but I have school in an hour in a half and write this in like 20 minutes, so bare with me. Here is protective Eiji you wanted, I'm too lazy to find the name, but feel free to comment uwu.

Bye byes

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