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Author's POV

The day was here . The same day Jimin was afraid of coming and also the same day Jungkook was awaiting to arrive . Finally , finally Jimin would be his by law . But , only for thirty days . But , Jungkook was smiling . He knew what he would do . He loves Jimin , he absolutely does . But , sadly, Jimin was already in love with someone else and it was Taehyung. It wasn't him . He will not expect at all , for Jimin to love him , but at least he can try . Yea , trying. He can do that .

" Jungkook !" A voice called out , snapping him out of his trance . He looked around to see Namjoon standing there at the door of the room.

" Oh hi Joonie hyung. Come inside." Jungkook said , fixing his appearance again for the nth time that day .

Namjoon walked in , and looked at Jungkook up and down , admiring his donsaeng whom he had gotten to love so much .

" So ? Getting married huh ?" He teased, watching pink crawl up in Jungkook's cheeks , and his cute bunny teeth peek out , as a beautiful smile broke out on his oh so perfect face .

" Y-Yea . I wish .. I wish to love Jimin with my everything. Giving him my everything, and love him forever ." Jungkook said , dreamily, his eyes sparkling, as Namjoon grinned , his dimples kissing his cheeks.

" Hey Kook ! I am sure you can do whatever you have said . I can see right through you , Kook , and I can say this clearly that you love Jimin with your everything. And I should say , Jimin is very lucky to get you ." Namjoon said , as Jungkook looked at him and grinned.

" If only he loved me too ." Jungkook mumbled under his breathe, but Namjoon did not catch whatever he said .

" Huh ? Did you say anything?"

" What? No . No I did not say anything."

" Okay , if you say so . Now lets go . Everyone is waiting for you ."

" Wow , you look perfect Jiminie! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU LOOK SO FUCKING PRETTY ?" Taemin yelled , as Jimin rolled his eyes . Ofcourse, he was pretty. What was so new in this ?

" Oh c'mon Jimin! Today you are getting married for God's sake ! At least, pretend to be happy ? If not for your parents or Jungkook, at least for the cameras?" Taemin poked Jimin's sides , as Jimin scowled at him .

" Can you just shut the fuck up and never ever open your stinking mouth?" Jimin snapped , as Taemin laughed .

" Ahaha . But Ji-"

Knock . Knock .

Taemin was cut off by a knock at the door . Jimin stood up from his stool in front of the mirror , and went over to the door and opened it , greeted by Taehyung standing there in front of him, with a bouquet of roses.

" Hi . Can I come in ?"

Jimin nodded and moved aside , allowing Taehyung to walk in .

" Hi hyung ." He wished Taemin , when he saw him sitting on a table , going through his phone.

Taemin looked up from his phone, not that surprised to find Taehyung standing there looking like a fucked up person , yet managing to look beautiful and handsome and everything except bad .

" Oh Tae . Hello , uh .. should I leave you both alone ? I think you both need some lone time to uh .. cry and talk and do whatever romeo and juliet did before getting separated. So , shall I?" Taemin asked, drawing out a chuckle from Jimin and Taehyung both .

Taemin smiled. At least he could make them chuckle if not giggle or laugh out loud .

" Can you ? I need to speak to Jimin. "

30 𝐷𝐴𝑌𝑆 𝐻𝑈𝑆𝐵𝐴𝑁𝐷 ❥Where stories live. Discover now