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Author's POV

Tears .

More tears .

More and more tears.

Tears fell from Jimin's eyes as he cried. Jungkook was not there . He had gone out and had said that he'll come back in half an hour. Jimin was in the living room of the mansion , crying his heart out while being curled up in a small ball . The maids who could hear his sobs and hiccups felt their hearts breaking, but they could not do anything. They had offered to help and had even asked Jimin about what was bothering him , but Jimin just smiled at them , and told them that it was nothing and that he wanted to stay alone .

Therefore, they had no choice but to listen to his sobs and control their own tears somehow . In just some days , they had fallen soft for Jimin. He was sweet and cute and they all loved him dearly.

Jimin's POV

Lie . It was all a lie . T-Taehyung dosen't love me . I .. I loved him so much . All's spinning in my head . The sweet time we spent together, the moments we spent in each other's arms , the caring way Taehyung used to treat me . It had got me all fooled . I.. I don't w..want to cry anymore.. but what c-can I do i-if my tears don't stop . I .. I feel so devastated , so .. cheated? So.. betrayed ..?


W-Why didn't I g-get this earlier? W-Why ? I HATE HIM . I HATE TAEHYUNG. I FUCKING HATE HIM . I HATE HIM SO , SO , SO , MUCH .

Why didn't I fall in love with Jungkook instead? I.. I am so sorry, Koo . Y-You ... are so good . I did everything in m-my power to make you feel insulted. I am a bitch , amn't I?

I... I... am so sorry. Forgive me Jungkookie ah . I... I will try to make you happy now , Koo . I... I am so sorry.

Now I get it why Taehyung was always so into dragging me to his bed . B-But trying to force himself on m-me ? I thought I.. k-knew Taehyung.. but I am wrong... h..he is a monster. HE IS A FUCKING MONSTER.

Why didn't I get everything before? I c-can't believe T-Taehyung t..tried to .. r-rape m-me. The thought itself is triggering enough for me. More tears spilled out of my eyes , as I cried ,feeling my whole body shake . The man whom I trusted and loved more than anything else ended up being a fucking m-monster ? I... I can't.

The beautiful face ... was just a mask ? T-Taehyung was actually a devil underneath. If .. if only I would've realized this earlier . He wanted my body, then why did he pretend like he really loves me ? Liar . He's a liar . A bitch and I hate him with my everything.

Funny how the person who once meant the world to you , now meant nothing to you . Infact you hate them .

And the person who meant nothing to you , now meant the world to you .

Jungkook . All I want is Jungkook. Noone else .

Author's POV

Jimin sobbed and cried , curling up more onto the couch , as everyone could feel the sobs turning into knives and piercing their hearts .

Jungkook parked his Mercedes in front of the garage and handed the key to the driver to put the car into the garage . He took out the small box from his pocket, which contained a beautiful necklace he was sure Jimin would love , and smiled, before putting it back in his pocket. He was going to step towards the mansion entrance when he caught a glimpse of his father in law , mother in law , Taemin and a girl dressed in all black . He smiled , running towards Mr Park and hugging him . He hugged him back , patting his back .

" How're you appa? You could've called before coming. " Jungkook said, pulling away from the hug.

Mr Park smiled at him. " Then how would it be a surprise? And before you ask, we know everything. Taemin told us everything and thank you Jungkook. " He said, patting Jungkook's shoulder.

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