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Author's POV

" Hello , goodmorning Jiminie !" Jungkook wished , placing a plate of bacons and eggs in front of Jimin, who was sitting at the table and gazing absentmindedly at a painting in the living room of their mansion.

It was day 2 and Jungkook was excited . After all , day 1 was successful and progressive according to Jungkook and he was happy and jolly but Jimin didn't seem the same .

" Hey Jimin, HEY JIMIN!"

Jimin flinched and his hand knocked a glass out , causing it to fall down on the floor and break .

Jimin gasped and stood up from his chair, giving a good leap , and so did Jungkook.

" Omg Jungkook! I'm so sorry . I-I didn't mean to . Like , I was thinking about something- I didn't mean it- OMG, please! Sorr-"

" Jimin! Jimin! Jimin! Calm down. Calm down! It's absolutely okay , believe me. No worries , Jimin. Step aside. I'm not letting you walk on these glass pieces and then cut your leg . I'll bring the cloth and plastic and clean this . Don't. You . Dare . Near . It ." Jungkook warned , looking gay at Jimin's eyes , who nodded his head aggressively. "Okay ! Okay . I won't. " Jimin said .

Jungkook smiled and went back into the store room to bring the necessary to clean the glass mess , with Jimin waiting for Jungkook to come back , which he did a minute after .

" Hey, I'm back . Step aside Jimin. I just need to pick these pieces up and then I'll wipe this place ."

" NO , JUNGKOOK. No ! Your hand will get cut , NO . The maids are there, they can do it ." Jimin said , worriedly, but Jungkook just smiled at him .

" Jimin, the maids will arrive tomorrow, you remember? And moreover, I can do it myself. There's nothing that the great Jeon Jungkook cannot do , you understand?" Jungkook proudly said , with Jimin mimicking him without Jungkook knowing.

" Jungkook, I swear to God , please! Don't do this . Let me do i-"

" Keep quiet Jimin. I'll be okay ."

" Please Jungkook, no ."

" Yes ."

" NO!"

" YES !"

" NO !"

" YES !"

" UGGGH FINE ! BUT IF YOU CUT YOUR HAND, I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS UP , REMEMBER THAT !" Jimin finally gave up , as Jungkook smiled internally.


Jungkook bent down and slowly started picking up the glass pieces that were scattered on the ground. One by one , slowly and carefully, he started picking them up and placing them inside the discarding bucket he brought with him , with Jimin following his every action and cursing himself for being so careless.

Jungkook had successfully picked up almost all the glass pieces, (much to Jimin's satisfaction) but ..

But ..

He was picking up the glass piece , when suddenly the glass piece pierced his forefinger , causing Jungkook to hiss and flinch, alarming Jimin, who screamed seeing the blood dripping out of Jungkook's finger .

" JEON JUNGKOOK!" Jimin yelled and ran towards Jungkook and squatted down in front of him , taking his right hand and examining the cut .

" I told you not to do it , but no ! You had to go and show your strength. You idiot !" Jimin scowled at him and started blowing the cut , his eyebrows scrunched , and face panicked and scared and concerned. All three emotions mixed .

" Jungkook... wait . I'll bring the first aid box . Please hold the blood in . Don't let too much blood flow . Please ." Jimin said , as Jungkook nodded , still smiling.

Jimin stood up and ran to get the first aid box .

Jungkook smiled , looking into the space. "I can't believe Jimin touched my hand and finger. YAYYYYY !" Jungkook celebrated , making sure he dosen't move so much as Jimin asked - no , ordered him to .


" Jungkook.. ah .. fooooo..uf .. aish .. it's paining right?" Jimin asked , slowly applying the medicine, and blowing on it , almost crying if Jungkook hissed in pain .

They were in Jungkook's room , Jungkook sitting on the bed , his back against the headboard and Jimin was sitting beside him , his legs dangling from the bed , as he applied the medicine on Jungkook's cut .

" Jungkook... it's paining right ? I am so.... ouch .. uff sorry ." Jimin hissed himself, while Jungkook was just staring at Jimin as if he's the most precious human on earth. His lips were smiling, his eyes shining and fixed on Jimin as he admired him and also the fact that Jimin actually cared about him .

" Jungkook.. ah ... ouch . Are you okay ? Now , I'll put the bandaid okay ? You won't use your right hand . You won't do any work . I'll do everything , okay ?" Jimin said , carefully and slowly putting the bandaid over Jungkook's hurt finger , but Jungkook didn't respond . He was still admiring Jimin's beauty and shine , which, he was sure he won't ever get bored of staring at. With a smile.

" And we're done. Jungkook, I'm sorry again . Please forgive me . I was so careless-Jungkook. Hey Jungkook!" Jimin shook Jungkook when he noticed his eyes staring at him with so much love and his lips curled up .

" Ha ? Y-Yes Jimin? Were you saying something?" Jungkook asked , now finally quitting staring at Jimin.

" I.. am sorry again Jungkook-"

" No , it's okay Jimin. At least, since this happened , I understood that you care about me ." Jungkook said , looking into Jimin's eyes , but Jimin looked away . " N-No . I don't care ab-about you . Its j-just t-that , I was feeling guilty about you g-getting hurt because of me." Jimin said , trying to deny his beating heart and emotions, but Jungkook smiled. " It's okay." Deny all you want , Jimin .

Jimin was going to walk away , when Jungkook held his wrist , restraining him from going a step further .

" What happened Jungkook?" Jimin asked, turning around to face him.

" Don't go , please. Just for today, stay with me please?" Jungkook asked , and Jimin opened his mouth to say something , but stopped when Jungkook activated his puppy eyes with lips pouting, looking at Jimin with batting eyelashes . Basically , a trick to melt Jimin.

" Fine ." Jimin said , and got under the covers on the bed , sitting beside Jungkook.

Jungkook took the remote and switched on the TV .

" What about the lunch or dinn-"

" We'll order takeout . You ain't leaving me all day today. Please. I'm not well , please?" Jungkook asked , looking at Jimin with puppy eyes , who chuckled and ruffled Jungkook's hair .

" Okay then ." He agreed , earning a squeal from Jungkook.


The whole day , that day , Jimin was with Jungkook as promised . He never left his side. He even fed Jungkook because Jungkook could not use his hand ( And Jungkook was grateful he could not ) . Jimin got to know Jungkook a lot and so did Jungkook.

Jungkook was a very jolly person and a very good one as well . He was funny as hell, and Jimin had a good laugh that day . Something he didn't do for some years now . Not even with Taehyung.

Jungkook, well , he got to know something he already knew . But he pretended like he is knowing that for the first time.

That night , they both slept in each other's arms, almost cuddling . But Jungkook made sure to not touch Jimin without his consent, for which Jimin was very grateful .

But , in Jimin's room , on his bed , was lying his phone which had thirty missed calls whole day . And also , around 800+ messages . All from the same ID .

Jimin was so busy with Jungkook, that he didn't check his phone at all .

The caller ID ?

TaeTae ❤


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