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Author's POV

" Doctor."

" Dancer."

" Doctor."

" Dancer."


" Y/n , baby , calm down. I'm telling you, it's a dancer."

" Who even said whatever you say will be the final ? They're going to be a doctor. End of discussion."

Wondering what's happening? Y/n and Lisa were bickering about whether Jimin and Jungkook's future child will be a doctor or a dancer.

While Jimin sat spooned in Jungkook's arms on their couch, laughing at the childish bickering. Jungkook was lost in Jimin, looking at him with so much love and admiration in his eyes.

Mrs Jeon and Mrs Park were at the kitchen, making something for everyone to eat and the dads were in the balcony. Mr Jeon was back hugging Mr Park, and they were talking about something.

" Look, I'm a doctor, amn't I ? And if not for me , you wouldn't even have gotten to know that Jiminie oppa was pregnant, duh." Y/n smirked and Lisa shook her head.

" No baby. You realise there are pregnancy tests available?" She said , and Y/n rolled her eyes.

" I know that! But after taking the tests , a doctor is whom you come to. You see ? And doctors are the second Gods, so shut up." She said.

" N-"

" Ladies! Stop bickering, will ya ?" Mr Park walked in with Mr Jeon behind him, and sat down on the couch facing Jimin and Jungkook.

" Fine. We'll see after nine months." Y/n said, and Lisa agreed, nodding her head and sitting down quietly.

" Hm, good. So, we came here to discuss something." Mr Jeon said, looking at the couple, who gave their full attention to their dads.

" Jimin, baby, listen to me, okay ?" Mr Park started and Jimin nodded, " Yes dad."

" Look, son, do you want me to look for another secretary for you? Because now that you are pregnant , I don't trust Taehyung with you at all." He said.

" Da-"

" Exactly! Exactly, appa. Exactly." Jungkook spoke, his face showing relief and rescue, almost. " Oh my God , appa, this is exactly what I've been dying to talk to you about. I don't trust Taehyung with my Jimin. Nope! So I reckon you look for a new secretary. Fine, I'll look for on-"

But Jimin cut Jungkook off by placing his hand on his hand , " Babe, calm down, okay ? Please." He smiled at Jungkook, who smiled back and decided not to talk for then.

" Dad, look, no. I don't want a new secretary. Taehyung will be fine." Jimin said, and everyone looked at him as if he has grown two horns on his head.

Lisa badly wanted to scream at Jimin. She wanted to say that this was going to be the worst fucking decision he was making. But she just could not. She fiddled with her fingers and bit her lips in worry. Y/n missed all of these as she was busy trying to understand Jimin's decision.

" Jimin, what are you sa-"

" Jungkook, please!" Jimin interrupted and Mr Park sighed , " Jimin, this is going to be a bad decision." He said, and Jimin smiled at his father assuringly , " Trust me dad, it won't. Taehyung has changed. He's not like before. And moreover, he has his own family to take care o-"

" Jimin, a bad person cannot change ever. They can only change their colour like a chameleon." Jungkook said, and Jimin shook his head.

" No dad, let it be. I know my best friend well. He won't do anything to harm me." Jimin said , and Jungkook snickered, his hands , which were resting on Jimin's waist , now no more there.

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