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Author's POV

Jimin sighed , keeping his phone down after checking it for the nth time that day . He was expecting a message or even a call and if not that, even a missed call from Taehyung, but there was none . It was almost as if Taehyung had forgotten about his existence. It deeply hurt Jimin. If only he wouldn't have pushed Taehyung away that day , maybe today they would be talking and laughing together like they did . He didn't know why that happened.

Jimin's POV

It has been a week and two days already that Jungkook and me got married. I thought that I will hate him ? I will make his life miserable. I will despise his existence.. but see now ? He has become one of the sole reasons behind my smile . He makes me feel .. I don't know how to describe that feeling. I really don't. But Taehyung? I am not even sure he remembers who I am now . It is all my fault , isn't it ? If only I would've let Taehyung do whatever he wanted that day , he wouldn't have left me . He would've been with me here. He .. he hates me now , dosen't he ? It's all my fault . It all is . B-But .. I don't even know why the heck I imagined Jungkook's sad and crying face in front of my eyes. Why did it pain me to .. to see him cry ? It shouldn't. I... my heart broke to see him like that .

Taehyung.... he ..

Author's POV

Pain shot up in Jimin's head , hitting him like a bullet . He held his head in his hands, feeling it throb badly . He could feel the nerve on the side of his forehead pulsating.

" Ugh ." Jimin shut his eyes close, feeling tears sliding down his cheeks . He didn't even remember when he had started crying.

Jimin's world started spinning and the last thing he saw was the door opening and Jungkook's surprised and horrified expression, before he fell down on the bed ,senseless.

Jungkook's POV

I felt so bad doing that . I .. I didn't mean to get Jimin in such an intimate position with me . I love him , yes . I enjoyed the intimate position, yes . I absolutely enjoyed having him under me, all in my mercy- Wait , You Jeon! Control your horny thoughts for now . Yes , where were we ? Oh yes . You know, I thought Jimin will hate me after that . But he had to eat those beans . Those are good for his health . Coming back , Jimin did not say me anything. He , on the contrary , smiled at me when we met for lunch . I dare say , I saw his cheeks red . UwU . He's so cute ! And handsome . And beautiful. And sexy . And flawless. And humorous. And adorable . And small . And perfect. I am officially whipped for him . When he smiles , I feel like my dull day lighting up . When he's sad , I feel sad as well . He is my whole world . I guess Jimin knows this . And if he doesn't, yet , I won't hesitate to tell him how much I love him everyday. Taehyung dosen't deserve him . He didn't even call up once to ask for Jimin's health. I still can't fucking believe Taehyung just left that day after he saw what happened to Minnie. And all that happened because of him . Till now , I wasn't really trying to make Jimin love me ( a/n : yes Jungkook, you weren't. Not at all ), because I thought Taehyung treats Jimin well , but no . He doesn't. I am even more determined now. I will succeed and I will show Jimin how precious he is.

But , I have a feeling Jimin has started to like me . What do you think?

OH GOD ! I almost forgot I had to ask Jimin something. Goddamnit. Nevermind, I'll go ask him now. Shall I take a rose?

I shall ?

I shall not ..?

Nah , I won't take one . I'll get him a bouquet in the evening.

I stand up and walk to the mirror , fixing my appearance. Ofcourse I look handsome . Don't let Jin hyung know about this ,by the way . He'll come over to beat my ass up . He's scary sometimes , ya know ? Try telling him there is someone more handsome like me . He'll eat you up alive .

Anyways , I gotta go to my Jimin. That's right. My Jimin.

I get out of my room , and walk towards his room. I'm sure he's staring at his phone and crying . That's all he's been doing these days . I don't understand how can someone be so heartless ? Taehyung could've at least visited him once ?

I reached his room. The door's closed . Shall I knock ? I don't think I should. What more will Jimin be doing inside? Maybe masturbating? Uff .. he would look so ho- JEON ! NO . Not now.

After debating with myself for some moments , I decided to just get inside. I put my hands on the door surface and push the door open .

My eyes widen at what I see . Jimin holding his head in his hands , tears streaming down his cheeks . I just stand there , horrified to even move a muscle, watching Jimin fall down on the bed ,senseless.

Author's POV

" JIMIN!" Jungkook yelled , running towards Jimin and shaking him , trying to get him up .

" Minnie? Jimin? Baby ? Open your eyes. Buttercup ? Jiminie ?" Jungkook shook him , but Jimin did not open his eyes .

" Shit ." Jungkook cursed, before picking Jimin up in his arms and rushing downstairs. He had to take him to the hospital.

He left the house to the maids and taking the car keys, he ran towards his car and opened the passenger seat door and put Jimin inside, and pressing a sweet kiss on his forehead, he put Jimin's seatbelt on , before closing the door lock . He ran to his side of the car and got inside , strapping his seatbelt on . He started the car engine , fishing his phone out to text Taemin:

To Taemin hyung :
Hyung , come to the Seoul Hospital now. I am taking Jimin there . Emergency.

After pressing 'sent', he put his phone back , before driving off.

" Do we really need to check up ? We already know I'm pregnant. " Hoseok whined , as Yoongi shook his head , parking his car at the hospital's parking lot.

" Get down , Hobi . You gotta do a check up , sweetheart." He said , and Hoseok reluctantly got down with a pout on his face . He stood there , disguised as a commoner, a hand on his tummy , caressing it from time to time with a smile. He looked up to see the name of the hospital written in big, red , bold letters :



Heyyy! Nothing interesting, I know. But the next chapter will be worth it .

Where do you think Taehyung is ? 👀

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