17. Tear of God

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Rain gently pattered against the window as you gently gazed at the blue gem. There was a knock at the door and you wrapped the blue hem again.

You opened the door, coming face to face with Izuku.

"What brings you here? You need something?"

"I...well, do you need to take a bath?"

"Guess I do. I don't want to go around stinky. I'll be there in a moment."

"Okay, got it."

Izuku turned as you closed the door. You grabbed your clothes and headed out to the single bath.

"It's (Y/n)'s turn so you'll be next," Izuku told Eijiro.

"Cool! I'll just get my clothes ready!"

Izuku turned around and headed to his room. He sat down on his bed, staring off into space for a moment before grabbing his bag. He grabbed his journal and stared at a certain page before tearing it out.

He began to draw again, your hair and eyes, your lips, and then your nose. Then he did the rest of your features before ripping it out.

"There's something wrong with it...her picture doesn't go well with the poem no matter what I do."

You dipped your foot into the bath to check the temperature before sinking in.

"This is nice..." You trailed off, relaxing your muscles. "I needed this..."

You almost fell asleep but managed to clean yourself and change before heading out. You heard a scream and you ran to your room.

There was a man whose arm was turning black, the tear of God on the floor.

"That was a gift from heaven." You said, walking into your room. "A gift made especially for me. No one else can grab it, especially someone like you."

"You bitch...you're a fucking witch!"

You dodged his attempt, his arm erupting into flames he screamed until his arm fell off. You sighed, grabbing his shoulder.

"Stay still, I'm gonna heal you."

"Get your hand off me, witch!"

"(Y/n), what's wrong?!" Izuku came running into the room as you picked up your blue gem.

"Someone decided to take what isn't theirs and his arm burned off." You inclined your head towards the screaming man.

"Oh dear lord!" Izuku cried out upon seeing the arm.

You rolled your eyes, "Don't take what isn't yours. Take this as punishment and don't do it again."

You tapped the floor and a white light surrounded him. His body convulsed as a new arm grew, bones first and then muscles and veins. His skin stretched on and then his hair.

"I forgave you now, but don't do it again. I won't forgive you a second time."

He left, screaming.

"Huh. Gotta get this stupid arm out now." It levitated as you opened the window.

You threw it as far as you could, dogs chasing after it.

"You regrew a limb...that itself is amazing!" Izuku took out his journal. "You really are amazing!"

"Thanks. When's dinner? I'm starving."

"Oh! We're waiting for everyone to finish bathing."

"Great. Do you need anything else?"

"Um...can you pose? I really want to draw you..."


"Well, you see, I'm a poet and I want to draw you..."

"Okay." You sat on your bed, crossing your legs. "Is this good enough?"

"Y-yes!" I didn't expect her to say yes!

You gazed at him as he drew with ink.

"You must be a professional."

"H-huh? Sorta? I was self-taught so things may not be very good so..."

"It's fine."

"Honestly, I'm pretty envious of you."


"To help people like that, it must be great. That healing power of yours helps many people and makes them see that you're like an angel."

You were surprised at his speech. It seemed to unlike him to describe you that way.

"You are amazing. You're willing to save people, even if your life will be cursed. I admire you so much for that, I want to be like you. S-sorry!! I'm ranting!"

"No, it's fine. I was praised so many times but you know, your words were a lot more different. To say that you wanna be like me out loud sounds nice."

"Haha, sorry, I probably offended you-"

"Not at all." You smiled, "If you get inspired then I'll keep working hard."

Izuku got flustered and all of a sudden his face was warm. His chest was beating hard as he stared at your gentle smile. He didn't know you had a face like that.

"Uh y-yeah!! P-please keep working h-hard!!"

Oh God, why am I stuttering?! Ahhhhh...

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now