56. A God's Existance

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Katsuki shoved Izuku aside, the claw coming down onto his chest. Katsuki grunted, only able to see his red blood. Almost in a fit of rage, you turned to Izuku.

Izuku gasped, sidestepping your attempt to claw him as you did to Katsuki. Shoto froze your feet from moving but you broke free, turning to him.

Eijiro threw a sleep potion at you, but you only swatted it away with your tail. You grew larger and larger till you weren't human anymore.

You were a Savage beast, unable to be stopped. The groups of four and the heroes watched, unable to do anything against you.

"Oh my."

You were thrown back, snarling but lowering your head as an archangel held your neck.

"It seems as if your heart is gone. That's not good." Gabriel held you back with a single hand. "God has sent me, he is angry."

You snarled and bared your teeth at them.

"But he is not angry at you. I will take that sphere with his soul, and you will be forgiven. It is not your fault you turned out like this."

With a gust of wind, the feathers came flying off and you shrunk, your horns retrieving back into your skull. Your claws retracted back into nails, your feet shrinking back to what it originally was.

Your eyes stopped shining red, instead turning back to their natural color.

"God has forgiven you and all your sins. You are welcome to come back to heaven."

You lifted your head as they pressed a hand against your chest, returning a golden heart. The hole in your chest closed up and a halo floated over your head.

"Aurelia, you are welcome back into the home of God."

Three sets of wings sprouted from your back, a gentle glowing warming your body. Your eyes seemed unnatural, almost every color and yet none at all.

Turning your eyes, you gazed at the four you've been for a while.

"Apologize to my Lord." You kneeled before Gabriel, "I have decided to stay on Earth to be his eyes."

Gabriel turned to the sky where clouds were forming. A hole formed and a light shined onto you. You closed your eyes as your halo and wings disappeared.

Gabriel's eyes glowed goldenly, "My child, become my eyes. Watch over the good and evil, lead all the children to me."

You lowered your head as the clouds dispersed and Gabriel disappeared. Opening your eyes, you stood and patted the dirt away from your clothes.

"Well, that's done." You casually stated as if you weren't talking to a magical being.

"I gotta take notes I gotta take notes I gotta take notes I gotta take notes I gotta take notes I gotta take notes I gotta take notes-"

"Shut up!!" Katsuki almost hurled himself against Izuku.

"Oh, your wound is gone, that's good." You placed your hand against Katsuki's chest.

He blushed, swatting your hand away, "Get your hand off me!"

You laughed, seemingly in a happy mood, "I was forgiven, that means that the powers I was given were taken away so I don't think I can heal you."

And suddenly, a gust of wind hit your face. You were surprised to see flowers growing beneath your feet. They sprouted and quickly grew, spreading outwards from you to miles long.

You looked around at the flower field, your mouth gaping open.

"(Y/n)." Shoto placed a hand onto your shoulder, "that was you."

"Huh?" You looked down at your feet, gently trapped by flowers. "That means I..."


You looked back to see your brother running your way. He wrapped his arms around you as Shoto let go of you.

"Don't scare me like that!" His shoulders shook with emotion.

"Oh...(B/n)..." You wrapped your arms around him, face contorting, tears rolling down your face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"You suddenly disappeared and then I saw you fighting that guy and it scared me." His grip on you tightened.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful, okay?"

He sniffled and nodded.

"Good boy. Now get off, your snot is getting all over my clothes."

"Shut it." He wiped his snot away with his sleeve, glaring at you. "I still hate you."

You rolled your eyes, suddenly noticing the people staring at you. You turned to Endeavor, your presence forcing him onto his knees.

"Sorry, it seems that God wants you to repent for your sins." You said, placing a hand over his head, "Sana animam tuam."

The wounds and injuries all over him healed, leaving behind rough skin.

"He thanks you for protecting me and the rest of the people, however." You smile and healed the other soldiers.

Endeavor closed his eyes and bowed, his forehead touching the face of the flowers. He looked up as Shoto stood in front of him.

Izuku turned to Katsuki, who glared at him in return. Eijiro ran towards All Might, who was arriving in his carriage. The flowers gently swayed, the gentle scent rushing through your nose.

Looking up at the clouds, you felt peaceful at the moment. You closed your eyes, feeling the wind gently caress your cheek.

You felt a pulse, your head aching. Holding your head, you looked down with wide eyes.



You snapped out of it, the headache quickly disappearing. You smiled as Izuku came up to you.

"We should head back to the castle."


Your brother holding your hand because he was still unstable, you went back to the castle.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now