38. Butterfly in a web

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"Shoto, have you ever thought of abandoning your kingdom?"

Shoto tensed up like he was caught, "Yes. I always wanted to run away but that would leave it all to Fuyumi and Natsu."

"And if they weren't there?"

"I'd leave."

You hummed in thought. "Your kingdom needs a queen, does it not?"

"Yes. Currently, my fiancee is Momo Yaoyorozu. She's a good person."

"Oh, I know her. She's quite the catch. She's pretty and she's super intelligent. She'd make a lovely queen." You smiled in approval.

Shoto frowned. Was he supposed to take that as a compliment? From the person he loves?

"What's wrong?" You questioned when you noticed his face.

"It's nothing. Are you tired?"

"No, are you?"

"Not really."

"Do you want to stop?"

"No." His hand squeezed yours. "Not yet."

"Okay." You didn't know why he made that face.

Was it something you said? Maybe he got offended? You accidentally stepped on his foot when you were deep in thought.

"Sorry, I just thought that maybe I said something wrong." You apologized.

"It isn't you. I just...well I..."

"Oi! The blizzard is getting worse!" Katsuki's voice boomed through the mansion, startling you and Shoto.

"Really?" You let go of Shoto to look out the window. "I guess we'll have to stay for another day..."

Eijiro gritted his teeth, "I don't think so. What if we're ambushed?"

You turned to Eijiro, raising an eyebrow, "What makes you say that?"

"Nothing! Just taking precautions!" Eijiro grinned, hiding his solemn look.

"I'm sure we'll be okay." Izuku smiled, "We've got (Y/n)."

"Haha!" As you chuckled, Katsuki came stomping down the stairs.

"What's for lunch?!"

"It's barely been thirty minutes." You told Katsuki with a grin, "Do want me to cook something up?"

"Hell no."

"Suit yourself!" Your raised your hands before dropping them and sighing. "I hope the blizzard lets up. We haven't heard from the king."

"Oh, you're right." Izuku stood, tucking his journal into his pocket. "Kirishima-Kun, any news about All Might?"

"He's fine. He's getting more tired though." Eijiro responded with a lie, smiling with a sad glint in his eye.

"Oh, I see! Then it should be fine to stay for one more day!" Izuku sighed with relief.

Eijiro felt guilt tug at his chest. HE was coming soon. Eijiro was keeping you here, even if he didn't want to. You were trapped.

Like a butterfly in a spider's web.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now