29. Ruby Necklace

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"The king has gone to take care of her wife."

You ran past everyone, trying to find the king.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Izuku ran after you, pushing against bodies. "Sorry! Pardon me, please let me through!"

Katsuki tsked and shoved people aside to follow you. Shoto held his head up high and the people parted and bowed. Your brother followed Shoto since it was the easiest way to walk to where you were.

You slammed the door open, chest heaving.

"Did you leave the moment everything went into chaos?" You asked him, aware that his wife was there. "Did you leave your kingdom?"

Enji didn't respond and gazed at his wife's arm. It was bleeding and crusting away. You placed a hand over hers and healed her.

"Now would you care to explain why you left?" You directed your anger towards Endeavor.

"My castle was destroyed," Enji responded, eyes blank. "I should fall with it."

"Listen here, you're the king. Protect your people, don't let them die. You're a coward for not doing anything. I'm leaving, I've got important things to do."

"Wait." Enji looked up at you with a serious look in his eye. "Thank you. I owe you a lot."

You crossed your arms and sighed, "Yes, you do. I fixed your castle and I don't heal for free."

"Then I'll give you a magic carriage, it must be tiring on foot."


"(Y/n)." Izuku gasped, walking into the room and put his hands onto his knees. "I-I found you."

Eijiro hopped into the window, grinning when the king was alarmed.

"Eijiro, did you find anyone?" You asked the red-haired male.

"Nope! They all escaped." Eijiro frowned, "I found this though."

You grabbed a jewel from his hand and turned it over. It was a necklace with a ruby hanging.

"That's..." Your brother began, snatching it from your hands. "This is..."

"What is it? Spit it out." Katsuki demanded, folding his arms.

"This is the (L/n) family heirloom." He finished. "This is supposed to belong to the heir."

"I see." You grabbed it and gently rubbed the dirt off it. "How interesting."

"There's actually two." Your brother explained, holding up two fingers. "One of them is an emerald and the other is ruby."

"How do you know this? I'm older than you." You eyed your brother suspiciously.

"Shut it. I was the heir, it was explained to me when I was little. You weren't the heir so too bad for you." Your brother stuck his tongue out at you and you grabbed it, yanking it.

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"Ow!! You boar!!" He closed his mouth, making his tongue moist again. "I hate you."

"Same here. Since you know so much about it, you should keep it." You tossed it to your brother, who caught it.

"Shoto." Rei smiled at her son when you all began to leave to get into the magic carriage. "Please, take care."

"Mhm." Shoto nodded and walked with the rest of his group.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now