44. Instinctive

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You looked up to see snow gently drifting. The blizzard had just subsided but the snow was gently drifting down. You looked behind you to see your friends chatting with each other, smiling and grinning.

They looked so happy.

You coughed, covering your mouth with your hand. You looked down to see blood. You tsked and wiped it away before the others could see it.

Your poisoned heart was getting worse.

You made it to the gate with them, going through it. You sensed something bad but didn't know if it was real because of your heart.

"Something's not right." You said, "My brother would be out here, yelling at us for leaving him behind."

"Are you sure?" Shoto came right beside you.

"Positive. There's something wrong."

"How instinctive."

You gasped turning to see All for One floating in mid-air.

"You!" You stepped back, fear taking over your heart. "What did you do?!"

"Worry not, your brother is safe."

You turned around to see your brother tied up. He laid on the ground, knocked out. Running towards him, you took him into your arms.

"Why is he sleeping?" You whispered, somehow reaching All for One's ears.

"Well, how else am I going to take you away?"

You let out a shaky breath, gently holding your brother's hand.

"You poisoned my heart, didn't you?" You looked up to watch All for One as he floated towards you.

He landed onto the ground with a grin, "Well of course I did. Come with me and all your problems will be fixed."

"Did you think I'd go with you?!"

"Shhh, no need to get so violent." All for One held his palm out and clenched it.

You coughed, blood dripping down your chin.

"Don't disobey or else I'll have to mess with you a bit."

"Let (Y/n) go!!" Izuku was the first to attack but All for One used telekinesis to throw him away like trash.

"Don't hurt them!" You stood, glaring at All for One.

"Or what? Will you go with me? You know, if you had stayed back at the cliff, you'd have nothing to lose."

You were quieted. Was this journey a mistake? Was every choice you made a mistake?

Was this your fault?

"But you dragged them down with you. This is your fault." All for One held out his hand, grinning as his voice turned soft, "I will help you find meaning to life."

You looked down to see your brother in a sleeping state. You looked back to All for One's hand. What other choice did you have?

Will you fight, risk their lives, and fall into despair? Or go with him? You hesitated before lifting your hand.

If joining hands with him will guarantee their safety, then...

"No!!" Eijiro grabbed your hand, pushing it away and standing in front of you. "All for One, you tricked me into think I owed you!! But I owe you nothing!!"

"Foolish. You're just making yourself an easy target!" All for One raised his voice.

"Shut it you raisin head!!" Katsuki came with his blasts, almost attacking All for One but flew back when All for One controlled him.

All for One was about to attack Eijiro when he was frozen by Shoto. Shoto let out a breath of fog. You bent down to your brother, your mind racing.

Then you pressed your lips against your brother's forehead.

"I'm not going with you. Ever." You turned to glare All for One, "You're just manipulating me!! Every word you've said is a lie!!"

"What lie? I will guarantee them happy and peaceful lives."

"All in the cost of mine." Your wings spread out, your eyes turning into galaxies. "Sorry, but I've gotten a bit selfish lately."

Izuku looked up with surprise when he heard those words. You've grown...selfish?

"If I'm gone, they're just going to be sad. And besides, I want to have a happy life. I am NOT going to be controlled by YOU."

"Well, there goes your chance." All for One squeezed his hand harder and you got to your knees.

"(Y/n)!" Izuku caught you before you fell into the cold snow.

"(Y/n)! Midoriya, keep her safe-" Eijiro was held up by the neck.

"You're all foolish." All for One squeezed Eijiro's neck harder.

"Shut up!" Katsuki latched onto All for One's arm as Shoto froze him again.

Izuku took your brother's body and scampered away, using his quirk. All for One went after you but was stopped by Katsuki, Shoto, and Eijiro.

"Listen here, we need her alive!" Katsuki shouted, "Because she's going to heal All Might!"

"That or is it something else?" All for One questioned, "What of your feelings towards her?"

"That's utter bullcrap you're saying!!" Katsuki gritted his teeth together.

Shoto was on guard with All for One, but a bit curious as to what he was talking about.

"Don't you love her? Oh, wait, all four of you do."

The three were shocked when All for One said that.

"All...four?" Shoto asked, lowering his guard.

"She's a pure soul." All for One replied, "Willing to help anyone and pretending to be selfish when she cares dearly about her friends."

"Tsk! So what if we all do?!" Katsuki retorted, "That doesn't change anything!! I'll defeat you!!"

"Well, I wonder how she'll feel when her precious friends are in danger. Shall we find out?" All for One grinned as he reached towards them.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now