40. Missing

22 1 0

"Why are you here at three am in the morning?"

Your brother flinched, startled by your voice. He tripped, dropping the hot water that was in a pot.

"Ouch!" Your brother exclaimed, holding his now burned arm.

"Stupid." You muttered, crouching to examine his arm, "be careful next time, or don't even step a foot into the kitchen."

"Hmph. I can cook!"

"The times I've seen you cook was when you burned yourself." You responded, blinking to turn on your quirk.

Your Galaxy-filled eyes healed him, making sure it was just his arm before deactivating your quirk.

"Hey...(Y/n)." Your brother pulled his knees up to his chest. "You...why did you even save us? Why didn't you just leave us to die?"

"Why would I leave us to die?" You questioned, still examining his arm. "I love you, even though you left me. I'll still love you even if you were to betray me now."

Your brother's lower lip quivered and he hugged you.

"Thank you (Y/n)." He whispered, tears streaming down his face. "For not abandoning me."

You patted his back, smiling, "I'd never abandon you."

Your brother sobbed, hunching his body and raising his shoulders like a child. Your brother and you had to grow up too fast. Much too fast.

Like a mother, you gently patted his head.

"I don't think I've told you this but I love you." Your brother sniffled out, "But that's the only time I'll tell you."

"Haha, that's enough for me."

"Are you done having a moment?!" Katsuki shouted, startling you and your brother.

Your brother immediately detached himself from you, scowling.

"We're not having a moment!!" Your brother retorted.

"Says the one who left a stain on my clothes."

"I did not!" Your brother shouted angrily. "Tsk."

"Todoroki-Kun, does this sometimes happens with your siblings?" Izuku asked Shoto.

"Well...not really," Shoto responded with a shrug.

"I see..." Izuku muttered something before pulling out his journal.

"Can you stand?" Shoto offered you a hand.

"Ah, I'm fine!" You grabbed his hand and stood up. You brushed your pants and then turned to look at your brother. "Crybaby."

"I am NOT a crybaby!" Your brother for being embarrassed by your teasing.

You simply smirked before looking through the cabinets. You found a cloth and picked up the pan. Your brother snatched the cloth from your hands and cleaned up the floor.

You smiled and ruffled his hair. His (e/c) eyes glossed over.

"Well then, we should all go back to sleep." You turned around but froze in place. "Hey, do you feel that?"

"Hm? What is it?" Shoto questioned as you looked around.

You ran forward and pulled the curtains apart. There was nothing there but there was something ominous that made you shiver.

"Where's Eijiro?" You asked the others, shivers still rolling down your spine.

"Kirishima-Kun? I think he's still sleeping."

You ran up the stairs, going into your secret compartment. You found nobody, beginning to panic.

"EIJIRO!!" You screamed, hoping he was still in this mansion.

He wasn't there. It was like he didn't exist at all.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Izuku asked with a concerned expression.

"He's gone. There are no traces of him-I can't sense him at all."

"Hah?! It's not like that shitty hair went up and left!!"

You stared at the ground before grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around you.

"What are you doing, healer?!"

As Katsuki questioned, you went through the door of your compartment.

"I'm gonna go look for him."

"But there's a storm! What if he's actually on a mission?!" Izuku tried to convince you to stay.

"He's been acting weird these days, it's like he's going to leave." You turned to glare at them, "And I'm going to find him."

"Oi you stupid healer!"

You felt a hand on your shoulder. Katsuki wrapped his cloak around your shoulders.

"Or else you'll freeze to death."


You opened the door and headed out, struggling against the snow that had piled up.

"Kacchan...do you think it's a good idea to let her go?"

"No way in hell am I letting her die." Katsuki mumbled, "which is why I'm going."

"Huh?!" Izuku exclaimed as Katsuki stepped into the snow.

"We need her, stupid. If she dies here, we're not gonna heal All Might. She had to be alive!"

"Well...I'm going too!" Izuku followed after Katsuki before turning back to get his jacket.

Shoto slipped his on before wrapping a blanket around his neck. Then he stepped forward, following Katsuki into the snow.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now