57. Wonder Ending

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All eyes in the room turned to you, their eyes set on your solemn face. You were in the palace, in All Might's guest room. It had been a week since the incident, you had to rest a bit before anything else.

"I have to...head back home." You looked at them straight on, hoping they'd agree.

"Oh." Shoto let out a small sigh, "I forgot you had...to go home."

"Same here." Izuku's Bright eyes suddenly dulled.

Katsuki tsked, looking away. He had forgotten, after everything that happened, that you had to go back to the cliff.

"How are you going back?" Eijiro asked and you smiled.

"By flying."

Izuku raised his eyebrows at your suggestion, "flying?"

"Would you like to go with me?"

Shoto stood immediately, followed by Izuku.

"Yes." Shoto nodded, followed by Izuku.

You looked over Shoto's shoulder to Katsuki, who was sitting in a seat trying to ignore your gaze on him. He stood, trying to stop the blood from rushing to his ears.

You smiled before turning to Eijiro, who grinned. You turned to look at your brother who looked terrified.

"You're going to kill us!! Runaway!!"

You grabbed the back of your brother's collar and ran towards the window.

"Jump!" You yelled and the others followed.

Eijiro landed on a soft creature, who's feathers were white. Izuku and Shoto soon landed after and then Katsuki. Your brother screamed as you flew forward in your feathered dragon form.

"(Y/n), so you also have this form?!" Izuku yelled as loud as he could because of the wind.


You didn't open your mouth, and it was more like you were saying it in his mind.

"He has granted me power and even now I realize that me using his power was not a curse, it was a blessing."

You went even faster, zooming past the cold and the desert. Past the forest where you were almost kidnapped, past the cliff where you reunited with your friends.

Past the kingdoms and lands, flower fields, and where herds ate grass. You finally stopped, landing on the cliff. They hopped off as you shifted back into your human form.

It was just as you remembered, with your house intact. You looked at the lake sparkling with the sun's glare.

The laundry was still swaying, catching the sun's warmth. The sound of rustling grass made you nostalgic. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath of air.

"Well, are you guys gonna stay?" You turned back to look at them.

Hesitation spread through their eyes, each of them wondering what to do in this situation. You smiled and turned back around.

"Don't worry, you can leave. But it's a long journey back."

The four(and your brother) gasped, realizing that you plotted a trick.

"Wait, you brought us here to keep us here!!" Izuku shouted, surprised you'd even do such a thing.

"I did." You admitted, placing a hand on your hip, "well? Are you leaving?"

Izuku opened his mouth before shutting it, looking like a fish.

"Damn you!!" Katsuki stomped forward, grabbing a hold of your collar, "you sly little feathered angel!!"

You shrugged, smirking, "who said angels couldn't be bad? Lucifer was an angel and he became the devil."


"Bakugo." Shoto grabbed Katsuki's hand and hard. "Let go of her."

"Hah?! Who the hell are you to command me?!"

"The crown prince."

"Tch! Dammit!!"

Katsuki let go of you and stomped towards the lake. Shoto gently undid the wrinkles that Katsuki's grip had caused. You stepped back, a bit embarrassed that he'd do that for you.

Shoto's gaze on you softened, and just as he was about to say something, Eijiro grabbed your shoulders from behind.

"Hey, are there fish in the lake?" Eijiro glanced at Shoto.

Shoto seemed a bit annoyed that Eijiro had grabbed your shoulders since he was about to say something.


"Let's go fishing for today! We can have fish for dinner! Right?" Eijiro persuaded you into catching fish for dinner.

"I guess so, Shoto, do you want to fish?"

"Yes, but I don't know how." Shoto glanced at Eijiro, who puffed his chest out.

"No worries! I can teach you how to catch fish like a man!"

Eijiro dragged Shoto to the lake while you walked towards it. Izuku followed, stumbling as he pulled his pants up to waddle into the water. You lifted your clothes and sleeves, eying the fish that swam between your legs.

You grabbed it tightly, bringing it to the surface as it wiggled around, trying to get out of your grasp. You set it back down into the water, where it quickly swam away.

"Catch some fish if you want to. Catch whatever you want to eat, my treat." You waddled out of the water, making your way to your cabin.

Four pairs of eyes glanced at you before turning back to the lake.

Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now