25. Toto

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"Ah!" You groaned as the servant pulled harder. "Stop pulling it already-fuck!"

Your little brother watched, wheezing on the luxurious bed. Somehow, Endeavor found out that Shoto was here and sent his guards.

Now you had to dress up to meet the king of the Todoroki Kingdom. You had trouble breathing as the corset hugged your body.

"That's enough!!" You shouted, running away. "It's already tight enough!!"

"Wait, my lady!"

You ran away, trying to get out of there before you had to meet Enji, the king of the Todoroki Kingdom. You had to hide, hide somewhere else...

You ran into a room, first checking inside. There was no one so you went inside before someone could find you. You sighed but you felt a hand over your mouth.

Your eyes met turquoise ones.

"When I let go, you're going to be quiet." The scarred man threatened.

You glared at him and he took it off. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the banned prince."

"Shut it before I cut your tongue off." He retorted, sneering at you.

"And my kidnapper." You pushed him away, glaring at him. "Are you hiding from the king?"

"Hmph. As if I have to hide from that pathetic excuse of a king."

"Yeah, same. Welp, I'm gonna run now." You opened the door and cleared your throat, deepening your voice. "INTRUDER!!"

Then you dashed away, scurrying away before the male could chase after you. Unfortunately, he did.

"I'm bringing you down with me you pathetic loser!!" He hissed at you and grabbed your arm.

He grabbed the helmet of a passing soldier and knocked him out. He put it on before dragging you.

"You're going to pretend to be my fucking sister, don't try anything."

You sighed and bowed towards oncoming nobles. "You're pathetic."

"Shut up."

You glared at him before approaching the nobles. "Good day to you!! I thought I might introduce myself and my dear brother!"

"Who's your dear brother?!" He hissed, grabbing your arm tighter.

"This is Toto!" You smiled as 'Toto' burned through your clothes. "I'm Yuuki, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you!"

They greeted back, bowing.

"We must get going now." 'Toto' said, dragging you away. "I'm going to kill you."

"Just try. I survived a corset and I sure as hell can survive you."

He was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm wearing a corset."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said I'm wearing a corset. I'm going to fucking kill you."

"Haha." You laughed nervously. "Well uh..."

"Unless you shut up with your Toto shit."

"Deal!" You continued to walk with him, "So uh...why are you here?"

"None of your business."

"Well, I'm here to meet the king. He found out his son was here and now he wants to meet me."

"I don't care what you're doing here. You're just gonna follow me."

"Whatever you say. Just know that people are looking for me at the moment."

"I'll kill you before they find you."

"That's impossible." You replied, turning the corner with him. "Besides, I could easily end your life here."

"Very funny."

He found a door and opened it, turning corners before finding another door. It was dark and moist. You followed him down there, hoping that he'd end it quickly.

"Rei Todoroki."

Your eyes widened when you heard that name.


Soldier, Poet, King •Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now