03 // i don't care - fall out boy

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03 // i don’t care – fall out boy

dammit i didn’t really mean it

come back i’m bored

i know you’re bored too

what is scotty boy doing

did he get the beer

jesus stilinski

although my name is petrifying it is not jesus

ha ha

i knew you’d eventually come back

bullshit i’m not back

then what?

i’m killing time

but you’re still back

no i’m dead

nice to meet you dead, i’m lydia

ha ha

you’re so hilarious

i know


can i ask you something?


haha just kidding, of course

how come you’re so chill? i mean, you told me i’m your inspiration and we’re one of your favorite bands

bc i’m not a fourteen year old fangirl who only wants to have your babies

that’s gross omfg

no that’s my sister

she’s gross

and also you’re chill too, and also i’m never gonna meet you in person so idk, i don’t even care about that

why do you say we’re never gonna meet in person?


because i live in canada

well fuck

dunno if we’re gonna go there anytime soon

that’s exactly what i’m talking about.

you never know what’s gonna happen. maybe we have a tour there next year, idk

bullshit, even if you do get your breakthrough, you’re not gonna go here anytime soon. first the us, then australia, then england and eventually canada in like five years

maybe you go to some concert in la

hashtag too poor


it doesn’t matter. i gotta go

adieu, stilinski

bye, lyds

// irrelevant but my crush's singing voice is bloody adorable //

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