16 // sweet child o' mine - guns n' roses

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16 // sweet child o’ mine – guns n’ roses

wait you’re writing songs or what?

songs for my band, love

have you thought of an appropriate nickname?

i was thinking about drummer kid

but it’s lame


it’s totally lame

oh shut up stilinski

maybe i’m stuck with stilinski?

if you’re gonna be stuck with anything that would be your attitude

then we’d have much fun, love, because you’re pretty what i would be like if i were female

oh suck it stilinski, i’m unique

you ain’t gonna steal that from me

well…we’ll see.

so what is the new song about?

a girl

who is pissing me off

and who is apparently a part of this chat

aww that’s so cute, you wrote a song about me?

no, i wrote a song about my dog

she’s peeking over my shoulder and trying to type you a message

she’s really pissing me off

fuck you

i tried, but apparently it’s impossible


you’re gross, stilinski

that’s what you like about me, love

oh come on, do we really have to continue with that nickname thing?

until you start calling me stiles, yes.

i’m not gonna call you stiles bc that’s lame

lamer than drummer kid

don’t be rude, love

i literally always read this in klaus’ voice

so that’s who you’d like to whisper bad things into your ear!

ew no

he’s too old for me

like, a thousand years too old


gotta settle for something younger, huh?

i just remembered that includes you, so nope

i’m staying with klaus

oh come on, i’m not that bad, am i?

you are

i’m gonna pull a taylor swift and write a song about you

she writes only about her ex boyfriends

and i sure as hell am not (a) a guy, (b) your ex

but you’re pissing me off enough to be one


you know you love me

no i don’t

of course, that’s because you still haven’t realized that your heart wants only me


right, i forgot, it only wants malia

fuck sorry

forget i said anything

you’re forgiven

okay i gotta go now, talk to you tomorrow

bye, love

bye, dummy

// i literally grinned sfm whilst rereading this omfg, i'm too crazy. also i'm too excited to tell you i've planned out the sequel as well, and its title will be announced when somethign really important happens [as in, in a few chapters i think] //

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