49 // somebody told me - the killers

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49 // somebody told me — the killers

you texted me at 11.48 pm did you really think i was awake

wait you go to sleep before midnight?



idk it just seems weird, you seem like a boy who would only want to break the rules and get drunk every night and stay up until like five



i'm not even surprised, drummy

oh come on, love

you know i always have a surprise for you

or two

no shut up


two days left

i'm literally going to be in la in two days

wait holy fuck

when are you going to land? on which terminal?

4, at nine in the morning

i'll take a cab

no need, i'll pick you up

i'll take a big piece of paper and write love on it

if you do that i will casually ignore you

seriously though i'll have to think of something you'll recognize

what about lydia martin? nope?


maybe mrs. cutiepie


come ooooooon


for me?


hell it's not even your choice

i hate you

no you don't you love me

anyway we're gonna go the hotel after i pick you up and when you get a nice rest i'll meet you with the band

are you fucking kidding me omfg i'll meet scott and isaac and derek?








they actually want to meet you

yeah i know that scott wants to meet me, but the other two didn't contact me

scott's a dick btw

why, what happened?

nothing, he's just a dick

i mean, he's my best friend

what the hell?

just ignore it

isaac and derek said they would rather meet you irl than through messages


but omfg i can't believe this is actually happening

you know i love you, right? like, without this i would go to la and probably do nothing interesting

you're welcome, lyds

fuck it's getting late

i gotta go to sleep. night, drummy

night, love

2 days left

// guys idek what i'm doing haha. but anyway for those who wanna know, i made two new accounts on wattpad [@coltish for original stuff, @adhockery for fanfics, meaning all fandoms except teen wolf] so if you want to see stuff i write that aren't just teen wolf related, here ya go //

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