32 // the kill - thirty seconds to mars

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32 // the kill – thirty seconds to mars

lyds you here?

no i'm studying bc that's what i've been doing for the past two weeks and that's why my internet was off

i pretty much had no internet

wow, i thought you blocked me or something

why would i do that?

bc we had a fight?

no that wasn't a fight

that was you telling me what to do

okay no it wasn't, i was giving you my advice

fuck it, you said what you said

at least you're studying

fuck you

stop swearing

why would i?

bc that doesn't suit you

oh piss off, stilinski

why would i, love?

i hate you

no you don't

i know

but still

haha you can't hate me

i assume i could

but i don't wanna try

you've grown on me, stilinski

same here, lyds

enough with the sentimental bullshit, i gotta study

adieu, drummy

adieu, love

// guess who won't be online until weekend bc she's got absolutely no free time from school? yup, my already-insane self. so no reading / writing [unless i read a chapter or two of paper towns, i bought it yesterday, read one thrid and am already in love with margo and q //

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