66 // no. 1 party anthem - arctic monkeys

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Stiles woke up with a headache and realized he doesn't even know when he fell asleep. He knew it was after Lydia, but not when. They slept on her bed, even though he still wanted to leave, but she told him it was her birthday wish. So he stayed.

They ate breakfast in Jungle, at around eleven. He didn't mention the messages and neither did she, so he figured she really didn't know. There was no need to ever talk about that. Nothing was awkward between them and he was really glad for that, because tomorrow morning he'd be driving her to the airport and he really didn't want the last day (and her birthday!!) to suck.

Little after noon, when they were laying around on her bed and watching random music videos on Youtube, the boys knocked on their door. He opened and explained that no, they didn't have sex this time either. She confirmed it from the bed.

That was about the moment Stiles remembered they had an acoustic gig planned. Which Lydia didn't know about because he forgot to tell her. So, he sent the boys away and he and her got ready in less than ten minutes and he told her about the gig. She was excited and that made him even more excited. She also wondered out loud if people would recognize them, which made him very nervous.

(But she smiled at him and said not to be, but that made him even more nervous because he realized that she was going to be in the crowd.)

All of them posted about the gig on all social media and she even posted on her Tumblr account (which was about the same time she noticed his selfie. She laughed.) They weren't expecting many people to show up, but she was still going to be filming so they could put something on their Youtube channel as a thank you for 100k subscribers.

When they came to the park—the same one he'd taken her to—they saw that there were groups of people all over it, and they always thought exactly that group must've been here for them. Which never turned out to be the case, as they realized. Still, they settled on a small clearing where most of people could see them and began putting out the set-up. Although it was supposed to be an acoustic gig, he brought along his drums and they took some of the electric equipment, too.

(Mainly because Derek whined his bass needed to be heard everywhere.)

She was managing the recording and as most people knew to ask her about the location of the gig, she spent most of the time on her phone. He felt bad about that, since he wanted to talk to her, but he didn't let it show.

(Except that one time when Scott noticed and rolled his eyes, mouthing him 'grow a pair'.)

At around two, when the gig actually began, there was about thirty people. Most of them were random people, but one or two were actually fans of the band. They all took pictures with them and they stood with Lydia.

"Hey," said Scott; excitement could be heard in his voice. Stiles hoped others couldn't notice it was trembling. "We're Road to Serenity and this is Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day."

He and Scott exchanged a look and a nod. Stiles banged his sticks against one another, smirking at Lydia, and began drumming. Soon, Scott began singing and everything went as planned.

By the time the gig was nearing its end, a lot of people actually came and most of them were taking pictures and videos. She stood in the front row, both filming and smiling at him. There was more than one occasion when he slipped up a little because he saw her singing a long, or she looked exceptionally amazing, or his mind wandered to the last night when she fell asleep next to him.

"Do you think we're still going to be friends?"

They lied on her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was very late and they should've been sleeping ages ago, but neither of them could. So they talked and talked until they no longer had happy things to talk about and the nightly feelings hit in.

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