14 // west coast - the neighbourhood

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14 // west coast – the neighbourhood

i’m so so so so so so so so sorry about yesterday, i had a really bad day but i’m back to normal now haha

good, i thought i scared you away

i didn’t, right?

naaaaaah it was just my friends, nothing with you

but as i said it’s okay now

don’t worry (as you would haha)

well i would worry, you’re my friend

how could i become your friend if we’ve been talking for three weeks? that is, a week or something before we decided to act like jackasses and block each other

that were our dark times. but why not? i mean, i met derek one day and in an hour or so we became like besties

no you can’t become besties in an hour, dummy

it takes a bit more than that

anyway my point is that he and i clicked. so why couldn’t we?

idk, i’ve never made a friend within three months

i’m usually a really reserved person, maybe the fact that we’re on the internet helps

but what does amaze me is how calm i am when talking to you


so i can go back to my theory that you’re in fact a famous person who is trying to pretend she’s no one so she could talk to some not famous band members, befriend them and later steal everything they’ve made

nice job

although that sounds really intriguing and a very good movie plot, that’s not what i’m doing

i’m just usually really awkward

i mean i say stuff and then realize they were actually awkward and stuff


well you’re still like that

no, you’re just always horny

i’m not horny!

hell nah

shut up, lyds

aww i missed you calling me lyds

*sarcastic eye roll*

so tell me, mrs. cutiepie, what does your majesty want to be called?

 i want joseph morgan to call me love

that i cannot do


i really had hopes for your poor soul

you’re mean

i’m not mean i’m a realist

get your facts right, dummy

oh shut up

wait i gotta go

klaus is waiting me outside

adieu, loser

i hope klaus drinks your blood and you die

no you don’t

or kills you while having sex


bye, love

bye, loser

// i apologize for the references. i had strong feelings for klaus when i was writing this [not that i don't have them anymore, klaus ftw] //

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