17 // numb - linkin park

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17 // numb – linkin park

where are you loveeeee

here i am, dummy

why haven’t you been texting me? i was bored

when you’re bored you should be writing so your new songs don’t suck

my songs never suck

how dare you

excuse me, but i’m really afraid that you’re spending your time with me instead of writing

and if you’re doing that, it means when you’ll be in need of a song you’ll write something very lame bc that’s not how inspiration works and derek and isaac and scott are going to be mad at you and you are going to be executed from the band

executed from the band

oh shut up, you know what i meant

apparently i do, and apparently i’m not the only one who writes songs for our band, and apparently i’m not losing creativity whilst i’m talking to you, and apparently i can multitask

and apparently you’re an asshole

you really love to insult people, don’t you?

that’s what i’m alive for

you’re made for greater good

are you dumblerdore?

no i’m dumbledore, you’re grinderlwald bc you’re mean

you do know they were gay and almost in a relationship, right?

dumbledore had unrequited love for grindelwald



that’s not what i meant

are you trying to tell me something, lyds?



are you sure, love?

shut it stilinski

you’re too stupid for me to have a crush on you


that’s not nice

oh so you do want me to call you mr. bum

i thought you forgot about that!

you’re not that lucky

shut it, love

shut it, stilinski

this is too much fun

isn’t it, stilinski?

you better write a song about me

oh so you mean a song about a gril who is annoying the heck out of me but i still talk to her?

a gril.

apparently, i’m a gril.

a gril.

that was a stupid typo

bye, dummy, i gotta go

bye, love

// a gril. sorry for the puns guys, i couldn't resist. you may now click forward to the next chapter [if it's been posted] or read a little thing that happened to me today which is right below.

so story time, i guess. we had our first drama meeting at school this year, and there was five of us newbies [my two friends, and a girl and a boy from other class - all freshmen]. the rest of the drama group were sophomores onwards. twenty mintues into the class, we were supposed to invent a creature [in pairs] and act it out. my best friend and i chose a phoenix [as a pet - me] and a dardigo [a dark wendigo - her] which was a monster what sucks people's souls. perfect for her. when we were acting, she told me to close my eyes [that was improvisation] and walk forward. that's how, me being me, i went forward and stumbled directly into a table. in front of everyone. they were all watching me. all. 

all of them. including two very very very cute guys. and it fucking hurt. but yeah, that's nothing really new for me haha //

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