21 // dammit - blink-182

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21 // dammit – blink-182

yanno what

i keep calling you dummy when i could just call you drummy


oh come oooon

no, love

see? you call me love, i call you drummy

you can’t fix that

but i will try to fix you

what no you can’t fix me i’m not broken

dammit lyds

you were supposed to continue the song

what song?


fix you by coldplay



blink 182

i love that song!

me too

or anything by them, pretty much

true that, true that

so wyd?

chillin in my bed



and it’s a friday night

we’re so lame

no we’re so sick

i mean i’m sick

oh poor drummy

what happened?

i’ve been throwing up for the past few hours

i swear isaac poisoned me, but he wouldn’t admit it

why and how would he poison you? hahahha

we had a breakfast at his place and i’ve been feeling ill ever since i ate there

well that must suck

it does


you’ll be okay

(by a great big world)

dude you here?

fuck you’re throwing up again, aren’t you?

or you fell asleep

i’m going to sleep anyway

have a good night, drummy

night, love

// these two are the reason why i'm still sane. on the other hand, just a little over two months until teen wolf cOMES BACK //

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