64 // still breathing - green day

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Oh, but that wasn't the last surprise Stiles had for Lydia.

About an hour after she got her tattoo, the two were still walking around LA. He was showing her the landmarks and they spotted someone who might've been famous (a bunch of paparazzi were around him) but they didn't recognize him. He didn't admit this to her, but he wondered in a couple years' time this would be him (or her, if Banshee gets popular).

Whenever she'd ask when they'd go back to the hotel, he would give some random answer. "After dinner," he'd say one time, "in few hours," another. He didn't even remember all the answers he gave her.

She realized something was up when they walked to a bit secluded part of the town, with Isaac leaning against a van. He was drinking from a beer bottle, waving at them with a wide smile on his face.

"Mate, I thought you two were off shaggin' somewhere," he said.

Stiles' jaw clenched, but relaxed when Lydia laughed. She muttered something about his British-ness really coming out when he's tipsy, and he agreed.

"Are you drunk?" asked Stiles.

The van door slid opened and Scott's head popped up. "No. He's just a excited and a little bit tipsy."

Isaac grinned widely and shrugged.

"Excited for what?"

"You'll see," answered Stiles.

The two entered the van, Isaac closing the door behind them and jumping onto the driver's seat. After Stiles' protests, Scott took the wheel and Isaac sat in the back, along with Derek, Stiles and Lydia. They were surrounded by a camera, two guitars and an acoustic drumming set. There was also a plaid shirt and ripped skinny jeans that looked awfully like what Stiles had seen in Lydia's closet the other day. Lydia didn't comment on that, so he figured they probably took it from the closet.

Derek, who has been smiling widely from the moment they came into the band's van, was fiddling with one of the two guitars. Even though the sound was almost inaudible, Stiles was sure Lydia could hear it and he wondered if she recognized it. He also wondered if she'd already had an idea about what this was (he hoped she didn't).

"So, how was your day?" called Scott from the front seat, looking at Stiles in the rearview mirror.

"Good. We—"

"I got a tattoo!"

Everybody looked at Lydia, who was bright red in the face and smiling like she was about to burst. She then raised her left hand, showing everyone the ink on her wrist.

(Don't think about how cute that was.)

"What's it mean?"

Lydia's eyes flickered to Stiles', panic in them. He knew what that was all about – she didn't want to tell. Hell, even when she told him she was unsure whether it was a good decision.

"Well," she began, "it looks pretty."

They laughed and concluded how getting a tattoo because 'it looked pretty' was the real reason to get one. Lydia seemed more comfortable now, talking to Derek about what it was like to get her first tattoo—Derek still hadn't gotten any—and Stiles was just glad it wasn't all too uncomfortable.

He recalled how she told him what it meant, back when they were leaving the tattoo parlor.

"It's going to be very cheesy," she'd told him, looking at the ground. The runaway strands covered most of her face and he couldn't see her expression; she looked so little in that moment.

ROAD TO SERENITY | stydia [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now