07 // mrs all american

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07 // mrs all american

you actually left

but i see you’re online

you can’t avoid me forever

come back lyds i’m bored

goddammit lyds

i’ll kick your bum

seriously? bum? and you say you’re punk rock? bum?

i knew you’d come back

suck it stilinski

why do you never call me stiles?

why do you never call me lydia?

well idk it suits you

same goes to you, mister


mr. bum

don’t even try

calling me that

i’ll kill you

mrs. cutiepie


what’s up mrs. cutiepie?

you’re a fucking failure, stilinski

ooh no mr. bum anymore?

well if you keep calling me mrs. cutiepie, no.

that full stop though

oh fuck of stilinski

don’t you think you swear too much?

i don’t swear

i whisper bad words into your ear as i

slice your throat

i was certain you’d say something else

that’s bc you’re horny

fuck off mrs cutiepie

// mrs. cutiepie and mr. bum are my new ship //

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