24 // flaws - bastille

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24 // flaws – bastille

so has it worked?

idk haha

but anyway i talked to the girls about it and they said i was wrong and that they apologize for not inviting me, they didn’t want to get me into the situation where i should feel bad for not accepting the offer but i still would see the movie that i wouldn’t want to see

so i guess it’s okay then

i’m really glad it’s worked out for you, lyds

so what are you doing?

i’m trying to write something, but it’s not really working


same haha

maybe we should make a club of bad songwriters


lydia and stiles, the heads of the club

it would actually have quite a few members, considering a lot of singers struggle with that

or it could be a guide

‘how not to go crazy whilst writing a song’

i’d need that guide haha

me too lol

so what is your song about?

people and feelings

yours? haha

people and feelings lol

we’re really creative and unique

that’s why everybody loves us


banshee and road to serenity

banshee on the road to serenity

that’s what our tour could be called hahaha

our tour? you mean, as in my band and your band touring together?

absolutely, why not?


you haven’t even heard us yet

heck, you haven’t even hear me singing

are you a good singer?

allison says i am

so i am? idk

what’s your favorite song at the moment?

we could happen by aj rafael

okay. i’m gonna sing it and you’re gonna sing it and we’re gonna send each other the videos on kik of us singing and laugh at how bad and pathetic we are

wait what is the song about?

a boy being in love with a girl lol

but it’s a really beautiful song and i love it sfm

it’s nice, i think i’ll be able to sing it

can i get a few minutes to learn the lyrics and learn it on piano? hahaha

of course, same here. i need to practive it a bit on my guitar

wait you play the guitar?


i didn’t know that




u so funny


haha anyway can we do it tomorrow? i’m tired

of course. night, love

night, drummy

// do you ever ship two people from your original story who aren't even the main characters and their ship isn't the main ship but you ship them so much that you actually dream about them. what even //

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