57 // if i tremble - front porch step

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[note; open the video in another tab and when the title of the song (if i tremble) is mentioned, click play for better experience]

No, Stiles didn't make a move on Lydia that night. He went to, but he chickened out and it resulted in them ending their night in separate bedrooms, Lydia not knowing how he felt for her. Sure, he was never going to tell her exactly everything – it would be completely reasonable if she got extremely freaked out by him thinking he's falling in love with her. His plan was to ask her out, at least – or tell her he likes her, too.

But it all fell into water. Stiles tried not to care.

(He did.)

He didn't let anyone know how he felt about wasting a perfectly amazing chance to tell her and he was pretty sure he did a good job at that.

(They knew.)

In the end, he decided he wouldn't act upon it. It wasn't like he really liked her, anyway. He was just excited to finally meet her.

(As if.)

That, and a hundred more reasons, is why he was standing in front of her room at 3:27 am, knocking and hoping she was awake. He didn't feel lonely or sad or any other reason why people would knock at other people's door at half three in the morning; he just wanted to talk to her, that's all. There was the fact that they had only four days with each other and one had already passed and he wasn't liking that one bit – especially not with all the mess of feelings inside of him.

Truth be told, he was quite surprised when she opened the door. Her hair was in a loose side-braid, she was still wearing no makeup and she had a gray sweater and black sweatpants on – not pajamas. A frown was on her face for about two seconds before relief washed over her face and a small, tired smile replaced it.

"Hi," she said quietly.

(Stiles tried to ignore how he just wanted to wrap her in his arms and cuddle her until she fell asleep.)

"Hey," he replied, smiling back. "Sorry for randomly showing up but I couldn't sleep and I was bored and since you're nearly always up late I figured you might be awake, too. I didn't wake you up, right?"

"Nope. I couldn't sleep, either. Haven't even changed into pajamas." She gestured at herself with a quiet laugh, seeming even smaller than she really was. "Wanna come in?"

"That'd be nice."

She moved to the side so he could enter, and when he walked past her their hands brushed and there was a wave of electricity that rushed through Stiles' arm to the end of his shoulder; his eyes widened a little. He gasped, but he cloaked it with a small cough, pretending as if that had never happened.

"So, what are you doing up?" Lydia asked him as he plopped down onto her bed, putting his hands beneath his head. She sat beside him and put her laptop to the side (the queen sized bed was huge – each of them had enough space and laptop had its own special place).

"I just couldn't sleep. Thinking too much, I guess," he admitted. He silently cursed himself for saying that, though he knew he didn't really tell her anything that could make her conclude what he was thinking about.

"About what?"

There she goes.

He looked at her and sighed, taking in the sight. She was sitting on the bed with her back leant against the headboard. Her fingers were entangled in her hair as she let down her braid and was doing something else with her hair this time. A small smile was hanging on her lips as she was looking at him, her head just slightly tilted to the side.

ROAD TO SERENITY | stydia [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now