05 // icarus - bastille

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05 // icarus - bastille

really? you know you want the booty

everybody knows you want the booty

this is sexual harassment, lyds

well you weren’t answering

i had to do something

but that was rude

oh fuck it

what, you’re gonna stop talking to me now?



bc you’re rude

and sassy

and sarcastic

excuse me, mr. stilinski, but do you really think i’m the only sassy and sarcastic person in this chat?

and i sure as hell am not rude

i’m sassy and sarcastic and that’s my only defense


your defense is those big ass drumming muscles on your arms


i tend to forget about that

is that how you win all the ladies? telling them you’re a weak baby

i’m not a baby

yes you are

you’re a cutiepie

i’m punk rock, not a cutiepie

no you’re not punk rock

i am

you’re not

i am

you’re not

how would you know?

you’re too cute to be punk rock

just like 5sos

are you comparing me to those boys?


and you can’t call them boys, that sounds like you’re older than them

and boy you’re the same age

idk i feel more mature

hell nah

you’re probably just as immature

then why do you like road to serenity but don’t like 5sos?

idk tbh

i feel like i can relate to your songs more

and they are a bit too mainstream, they’re probably gonna become another 1d

i don’t like 1d

that’s not gonna happen to us, i’m pretty sure. if anything, we’re gonna become more punk or more rock

that’s exactly why i love your band

you just don’t give a fuck about being mainstream and that

if you did, you would write sad pop ballads about how you didn’t manage to get the girl or she broke your heart

that’s pretty much what we sing about

well yeah, but you’re doing it on a more punky-rocky way. like dude, your songs are fucking better and shut up

// okay i'm a massive 5sos fan so i don't agree with this but hey, i needed to give lydia her own opinions! also i've just seen the newest teen wolf con and omfg so many emotions, bUT DANIEL SHARMAN MIGHT BE BACK. MIGHT. JEFF SAID HE TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. SAME GOES FOR KEAHU. but hoech is no longer a regular omfg i hate that //

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