01 // my medicine - the pretty reckless

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hey, stiles! thanks for the follow sfm, i still can’t believe it. you’re a huge inspiration for me and your music touches my heart, along with the lyrics. i’m really glad-

-i discovered your band all those months ago, and i really, really hope you guys become a well-known band because you really deserve it! lydia x

wow, this really made my day. i’m glad we have dedicated fans like you, and i’m really happy you like our music so much.

omfg you guys are literally my favorite band alongside fall out boy, the neighbourhood, bastille and few others!

we’re in the same category as them? that’s awesome! all those are my favorite bands, i gotta admit i like your taste in music, lydia.

oh well, i’m a tumblr blogger and you’re a tumblr bae, so…hahah

tumblr bae?

yeah, some bloggers i know make edits of you and stuff. they all love you

that’s creepy. i’ve seen edits of other people, but not myself lol

no it’s not creepy, it’s amazing. most of the edits are punk, but there are some really nice

yanno, stiles, you’re actually more chill than i thought you’d be

ikr people tell me that all the time, especially my mom

hahahahahah omfg really?

i’m joking. she tells me i’m a lazyass, most of the time

well, are you?


lazyass or not, you’re currently living your dream so you have a valid excuse

that’s what i keep telling her. luckily my mates are the same

yea i know (i’m not a stalker, i just follow you guys on twitter) you’re like koalas

only you like music too, besides sleeping and eating

true, true. tbh i don’t even know how we managed to get fans

like, we’re just four dudes being idiots and making music

that sounds like you described 5sos

is that a compliment?

yeah, i guess. they’re fun and all, but not really my type of music

i agree. i like some of their upbeat songs, end up here, 18, mrs all american, voodoo doll… but amnesia’s good too

i think my favorite would be disconnected, tbh. the ones you mentioned are amazing, but disconnected has a personal meaning hahah

what kind of personal meaning?

it doesn’t really matter

anyway, what are you doing?

nothing, just chillin with scott. the asshole thought he could buy a beer himself but we ended up calling derek

he’s like your dad. the only one who can legally buy alcohol, hahaha

true, but he’s more immature than the rest of us. he acts like a fifteen year old

oh, and you’re so much older than that!

four years is a lot. i’m four years older than fifteen.

you still act like you’re fifteen

you all do

that’s because we can. and people still like us

because you’re natural, not like some other bands *cough* one direction *cough*

they’re plastics. i don’t like them

i already know



is that a bad thing? cuz i’m proud of being one

as long as you’re not paparazzi, it’s okay

phew, like you had problems with paparazzi!

not yet. but i will once we have our grand breakthrough

good. i’m looking forward to that.

me too, lyds. i gotta go now.

why did you call me lyds omfg no one calls me lyds

but bye

// i am really excited about this. like seriously, stydia, sort-of punk version? tell me what you thought in the comments! //

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