65 // au revoir (adios) - the front bottoms

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After the shooting, the five had a celebratory dinner at McDonald's. They decided that the video would be up in about three months, since they want to make it as good as it gets and they want to see if they'll keep gaining fans (they were at 122k subscribers at the moment). They wanted as many people as possible to see it.

Lydia was fine with it.

That night was the first time she got to meet the manager of the hotel, Derek's brother Peter. He left an impression on her and it took her a while to get over the initial fear of him ("He's a serial killer." "No, Lydia, he's not a serial killer." "He is. Look at him. He's the Hannibal Lecter-type of nice."). The boys went to their bedrooms and Stiles, who was definitely planning to go to his, too, somehow ended up in Lydia's room suite again. He couldn't remember how exactly that happened.

"I'm sleeping on the couch."

"You're not sleeping on the couch, my bed is large enough for both of us."

"Exactly. I'm sleeping on the couch."

At the moment, Stiles was trying to find a way to not sleep on the same place as Lydia without exactly giving her the reason why. He thought that "I hardly have any control when I'm awake and with you and I don't think sleeping next to you would be a very good idea" is not exactly the right thing to say.

Lydia sighed, plopping down onto the bed. "You suck."

"You swallow." He plopped down next to her.

"I am going to miss you when I leave."

"Don't talk about it. You'll make me cry."

"You don't cry."

"Well, I might!"

He turned to her, grinning widely. He realized she was squinting at him and for a second he was confused, then remembered she usually worse contacts. She'd taken them out for the night and her glasses were lying on the night table.

He wondered what she looked like with glasses.

(He was sure she looked even prettier. Girls like her can't look bad with anything.)

She smiled at him; there was sadness in that smile. "I really am going to miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lyds." He smiled back.

He loved gazing into her eyes. They were so dazzling, those green-brown eyes of hers. They reminded him of the lake he used to go to with her mother when he was little. He loved those days, when they'd just go and shove the world away. But the lake held an entire world inside it. That's how she made him feel at the very moment.

But he didn't want to kiss her. Not this time. He just wanted to stay like that for a while.

"You're staring."

"I know." He grinned; he wasn't sorry. "I just thought your eyes look smaller."

She frowned then smacked him with a pillow. "Don't be a dick!"

"Stop hitting me!"


"But you look cute!"

"Shut up!"

"How the hell can you even see what you're hitting?"

He should not have said that, he thought ten minutes later. Because, Lydia then got angry and took another pillow and by the time she had used up all her rage, he could barely breathe and was actually hurting – what from laughing, what from the bruises that were going to show on his legs tomorrow morning.

ROAD TO SERENITY | stydia [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now